Abyss of Legends - final team spot

Hi guys,
I kind of need your help / advice.
I'm about to take on the "easy path" in AoL and can't decide on who to pick as the final team member.
There are multiple options who I think would add some value but I don't know what is best in terms of saving units or just making the path easier in general.
Atm I have 8 L1 single revives and 1 L2 team revive in overflow and 572 4 hour crystals.
I am still farming some heal potions against RoL WS.
I don't run suicides btw.
Here is the team I plan to pick with 1 spot up to debate:

cdn.net/6029252/uploads/editor/qi/35do6omm815h.jpg" alt="" />

Aegon and Void are sig level 200.
I guess R5 Void is a better option compared with an unduped Human Torch or duped 5* R4 HT?
But what I really can't decide is wether to pick Doom AND Sym Supreme (will unduped be as effective as a duped?) or just one of them and maybe add someone like Heimdall for synergy.
Thanks for taking the time reading and maybe even answering. I gathered some information already but would like to know what you think is best according to my roster.
I'd appreciate your tips and recommendations.
Have a nice day. 🙂
I kind of need your help / advice.
I'm about to take on the "easy path" in AoL and can't decide on who to pick as the final team member.
There are multiple options who I think would add some value but I don't know what is best in terms of saving units or just making the path easier in general.
Atm I have 8 L1 single revives and 1 L2 team revive in overflow and 572 4 hour crystals.
I am still farming some heal potions against RoL WS.
I don't run suicides btw.
Here is the team I plan to pick with 1 spot up to debate:
cdn.net/6029252/uploads/editor/qi/35do6omm815h.jpg" alt="" />

Aegon and Void are sig level 200.
I guess R5 Void is a better option compared with an unduped Human Torch or duped 5* R4 HT?
But what I really can't decide is wether to pick Doom AND Sym Supreme (will unduped be as effective as a duped?) or just one of them and maybe add someone like Heimdall for synergy.
Thanks for taking the time reading and maybe even answering. I gathered some information already but would like to know what you think is best according to my roster.
I'd appreciate your tips and recommendations.
Have a nice day. 🙂
I thought Void would be safe to prevent Mephisto's and Mordo's power gain and astral evade (Mordo).
My duped 5* HT is R4 and I am not sure if I want to rank him up just for Abyss initial clear.
Same with Sym Supreme. 6* version is unduped whereas my 5* is a duped R4.
6* SS
5* HT and R5 him because of his dupe
Heimdall (especially for the final fight)
Thanks again for your suggestions✌🏻
Heimdall is great for aegon as after a couple of fights on the path you’re gonna be unblockable so at 1% you can still do an insane amount of work as you don’t really have to take any block damage finding openings.
Plus as @Etjama says quake is actually a hinderance to aegon as you want to be able to use the heavy trick into sp2, does so much damage.
Lastly with that team you can freely kill nick off to get more damage for aegon.
Good luck!
Oh and small bit of advice vs cyclops, parry and hold block on his sp1. I wasted so many revives not holding block for long enough on the parry 😩
Heimdall : Before dying Aegon's does Crazy damage if u save sp3 when their rage Kicks up And their power Runs toward sp3 They should have hitted u with their unstoppable Hit Your Sp3 ( 200k or so free damages) Also Saves units Against the collecteur
Torch: Can solo Mephisto u don't need the dupe use your R2 and only use the Prefight for Mephisto 1 chance u better use it well
Void : Can solo joe fixit / Control Mordo / Control the last 15% Iron man/Can deal with mephisto with few extra rewards like 3 max
Doom : Take Him easy cap marvel solo better overall remove DM in that fight
Nick Fury : Can deal with Invisible women better And +20% Attak for Aegon ( You want that)
I don't know if anyone would like to know but I just finished Abyss completion.
I made 1 final change from the team I usually planned to take. I opted for SS and Doom instead of SS and Heimdall. I felt like both Champs were worth picking as I wasn't sure about how I'd cope with VtD and Hyperion. Can say I am happy I had both options as Doom was super good vs Captain Marvel and Hyperion and SS against the other cosmic champs.
In total I spent about 2k units on top of my stash of revives (full inventory plus about 10 in overflow) and about 575 or so 4h crystals.
5* Red Skull (1st time dupe)
6* Red Skull (1st time dupe) 🙄
And then... 😂 guys you won't believe me when I say I accidentally clicked top 6* crystal and got Hit Monkey. Super lucky and happy with my sloppy crystal selection. Could have been such a meme opening. 😅
The 6* awakening gem was mutant as was the tier 5 class catalyst. My only Mutant 6* champs are Sabretooth, OML and Deadpool X-Force. All unawakened R1. Now I have to decide whether or not to R3 Sabretooth if I want to become Thronebreaker soon. I don't think the other 2 champs are worth it.
What do you think?
Have a nice day 🙂