Silver Surfer taking Incinerate damage

I thought Silver Surfer does not take any damage from incinerate. But while using him in the side quests Hades invasion for Energy adoption: fire-2 paths, my silver surfer is getting incinerated and melting down. Am I missing something or is this a bug with SS?
SS isn't immune to Incinerate but takes 100% less damage from it, meanwhile Torch ability states that he increases incinerate damage by 12% for each Incinerate on opponent or smoulder on himself.
So the reason why SS is melting down from incinerates. Use him against any other option and you will not take damage.
I'm also using SS to mow down Incinerate, Coldsnap and Shock paths but used Void for HT.
Its a shame Silver Surfer isn’t as amazing without these “beneficial” nodes, as he really is a sick character.