What a **** policy Kabam has.



  • KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Member Posts: 203
    This is dumb... Don't let anybody play on your phone if you value your champs. Please close this post... lol
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,943 ★★★★★
    I believe it. It's happened before. It's just that there is a limited amount they can do.
  • So, I am going to close this thread down before it gets too far out of hand. Thank you to those that have shared your feedback constructively, and those of you that have tried to assist in explaining why our policies on this need to be as they are.

    Truth is, we don't have any idea if you accidentally sold heroes, if your child did, if your dog did, or if you did it purposely and then regretted the choice, etc... It does take the Support Team a significant amount of time to review individual account situations, including to verify if you've used the items received from the sale. It's not as simple as flipping a switch to revert your account to exactly how it was before the sale. These are just a few of the reasons the policy is how it is.

    At the end of the day, we do encourage users to secure their accounts and devices from unauthorized access. You are ultimately responsible for your In-Game account. Let's be serious though, sometimes we hand the phone to the kids and pull up a video or some other educational app to keep them busy for a bit.

    When sharing a device with children, we hope that you are using methods to ensure the children are only accessing apps that should be available to them. Personal suggestions: iOS users may wish to utilize Guided Access mode (I love it and use it personally to ensure my kids are only using the app I've OK'd them to use). I believe Android has a similar option called "Screen Pinning". I'm sure there are other options available in various different apps, but those two are built right into your OS and may be an option you find useful to secure not only MCOC, but your other apps as well by keeping the child in only the one app you've Ok'd at a time.
This discussion has been closed.