Seriously kabam how much money do you want to complete the event missions

Why is it master mode of hades and the event quests are so tuned up? I mean seriously their is no reason for them to be so tuned up that it's unbeatable. You already make it to where their is no point in trying to block break any longer and their is no such thing as a combo for the players unless they intercept everything only. So explain why you allow this to happen to the players. And if you say go build up my roster thru other things then give me rewards fitting my needs not 2 and 3 star mats by the thousands and a singular item to help my current needs. I mean yeah I am not part of your precious uncollected or cavalier ranks so you probably don't care. However their needs to be some type of adjustments for the proven ranks rewards also to better help them advance. I spent 3 weeks trying to get a single class T4 catalyst to rank up my sun spot.
It seems that you need to upgrade your phone if it keeps lagging like that. What phone do you have?