looking for a chill alliance

hey all. I'm looking for a place that is below gold 2 and runs 5x5 or a bit less. Hoping to find a full 30 in ally and a place with an active LINE chat.
LINE ID: augie5

LINE ID: augie5

[Possible Officer Spot open]
Hit me on LINE If interested: thanosthafarmer
We are a very relaxed family here.
We run Map 4 so we can brute force thru linked nodes in AQ and move on with our day.
Most of us have been together +2 years but had 4 retire recently.
If interested, contact me @KDoggg2017
Newly established alliance looking for 5 skilled players to join a team of highly active and skilled people.
AQ 5x5 and war will be aiming for gold 2-3 in our first season with full diversity, only to progress from there.
Line is a must for communication.
Hit me up on line: BigFellaM8 and just send me a message on here
We are strong..We are one..We are Venom...
[Possible Officer Spot open]
Hit me on LINE If interested: thanosthafarmer
Skarr..#0449 my name in Discord