Cavalier EQ QoL Upgrades

The fact that you get essentially nada from completing the Cav EQ when it's just a blind money grab in the third chapter is infuriating. I could see the potential of stiffing summoners on Completion rewards if there was non-buffed path in Cav like in Uncollected but to soldier through the whole EQ with buffs on every path and get lousy Chapter completion rewards? LAME.
I learned this month... I'm leaving some 6* shards on the table. I don't want to pay to get past Dragon Man with encroaching stun. And who knows if there are any unpassable nodes in 3.2?
If I have to spend an Odin to 100% complete the monthly EQ regularly, that's not sustainable.
I learned this month... I'm leaving some 6* shards on the table. I don't want to pay to get past Dragon Man with encroaching stun. And who knows if there are any unpassable nodes in 3.2?
If I have to spend an Odin to 100% complete the monthly EQ regularly, that's not sustainable.
Cav EQ is easy. If you’re spending an Odin for 100% then you’re just not ready to 100% it
There you go buddy
And have you ever consider that it's not Kabam's fault, and you that don't have the necessary skills?
This is exactly what I needed today. I'm willing to bet you don't have act 4 or 5 100% and you paid your way through 6.1 (especially if you're putting $100 down just on cav difficulty). You most likely have 1 or 2 R5 5*'s and a handful of 6*'s and probably none at R2. You simply aren't ready for this difficulty. Cav difficulty is probably the furthest thing from a cash grab when they literally give you nodes that boost your champions in chapters. You sir need to stick to Uncollected. I imagine that's probably still hard for you as well.
Quake and Shake Dragon Man 3.1 for easy pass