Cosmic bleed immune option?

EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
In 6.2.5 there’s a path with this Sparky 👇 on it:

It’s on the path that requires you to have 4 cosmic 5* champs on your team.
I don’t have Corvus, I plan to take Void as the 5th champ (he’s been my sort of mvp against that Mordo so far).
Aside from Groot or King Groot I can’t think of any other cosmic champ that is bleed immune 🤔 but I’m hoping I’m wrong on that.
So my question is basically: is there another bleed immune cosmic champ that completely slipped my mind?


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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    CMM can shrug off the bleed easily at the start of the fight. Even without Nick, she can still pull it off.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Groot, King Groot, and Terrax best options confirmed. CMM can also shrug it off. You can pretty much use anyone if you run Willpower.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Thanks every1.
    Would love to use Cosmic Ghost rider, but seeing that I didn’t grind for him nor bought the featured cav crystals, nor the early acces bundle, I don’t have him, so that one is off the table as an option.

    I did also completely forget about Terrax, but that’s also one I don’t have 🤷‍♂️

    Looks like I’m taking King Groot to rank 4.
  • CiciliatoCiciliato Member Posts: 302
    My option without Corvus was Cap Marvel
  • Normax_XNormax_X Member Posts: 646 ★★★★
    if u have willpower and a champion to spare, the bleed wont kill u, u'll still have like 20-30% health with 3/3 WP
    but as everyone said capmovie corvus terrax he sucks but he works lol
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  • AquaflashAquaflash Member Posts: 47
    Don’t sleep on KG. I’m not going to make a case for him being elite by any means, but I know a guy that use to shred map 6 with a 6 star KG. There are worse characters to r4.

    I also agree with the willpower option if you don’t want to spend the resources taking KG to r4.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Corvus Cgr cmm
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