Almost Cavalier.

My main team has been decided, I just need advice on who to bring along in the final spot for the last quest.

For context, Mr. F gives hulkbuster 30% aar for each shock, thing regen/ power gain, and doom armor break and shock and incinerate potency.
Heimdall has the cheat death.
Domino as just another damage dealer.

Almost Cavalier. 26 votes

MityAntQacobPancake_FaceThicco_ModePotatolegionjohn_dixon26Aziz5253Big_eggycentennial[Deleted User]CheesePizzaRed 11 votes
Mr. Fantastic
rockray2016OGAvengerCody4prezFlashSpideyaroseinbloom39HavocGamer49 6 votes
DeaconKRANꓘDarkMalachi2DarkDuelistLioz178MrGreekKablThebombsquad1 8 votes
Anybody else( Specify pls )
TheInfinty 1 vote


  • RahultripathiRahultripathi Member Posts: 233 ★★
    I am not sure ...but aren’t your R3 champ a bit to weak to help get cavalier title
  • edited November 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • RahultripathiRahultripathi Member Posts: 233 ★★
    Lol ...I asked thinking I might give cavalier title a try if it’s possible with R3 champs...
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Anybody else( Specify pls )

    Lol ...I asked thinking I might give cavalier title a try if it’s possible with R3 champs...

    I did it with R4s and some R3s cost me about 1k units for completion
  • aroseinbloom39aroseinbloom39 Member Posts: 62
    Mr. Fantastic
    According to my calculations, doom is going to r5 tomorrow, so yay!
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Anybody else( Specify pls )
    If you ramp VTD up he could work for the sentinel boss
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    Lol ...I asked thinking I might give cavalier title a try if it’s possible with R3 champs...

    I think the main thing you need is the right counters to champs. Also, I would definitely boost
  • RahultripathiRahultripathi Member Posts: 233 ★★

    Lol ...I asked thinking I might give cavalier title a try if it’s possible with R3 champs...

    I did it with R4s and some R3s cost me about 1k units for completion
    What about the 6.1.5 boss did you have a counter for it
  • Rayaan_2000Rayaan_2000 Member Posts: 673 ★★★

    Lol ...I asked thinking I might give cavalier title a try if it’s possible with R3 champs...

    I did it with R4s and some R3s cost me about 1k units for completion
    What about the 6.1.5 boss did you have a counter for it
    So, I used r4 warlock, r4 magik, r4 proxima, r3 medusa and r3 x23, so it is possible with r3 and r4 champs but what is more important is whether u have the right counters for the boss,
    I had warlock for crossbones( so, only needed 2 revives) and medusa for ultron( although I spent 200 units there as I'm a noob lol), so you should concentrate on that
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Anybody else( Specify pls )

    Lol ...I asked thinking I might give cavalier title a try if it’s possible with R3 champs...

    I did it with R4s and some R3s cost me about 1k units for completion
    What about the 6.1.5 boss did you have a counter for it
    For me it was pretty easy I did it pre nerf with warlock cost me about 80 units
  • Rayaan_2000Rayaan_2000 Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    edited November 2020
    Sorry, @Rahultripathi not talking to u, talking to OP
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    If you ramp VTD up he could work for the sentinel boss

    How? There's fisticuffs, buddy
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Anybody else( Specify pls )
    Kill_Grey said:

    If you ramp VTD up he could work for the sentinel boss

    How? There's fisticuffs, buddy
    Ah damn thanks for reminding me but if I’m not mistaken Doesn’t VTD on his SP3 regain all his buffs or would the power drain every 30 seconds stop that from happening? @Kill_Grey?
  • Big_eggyBig_eggy Member Posts: 122

    Lol ...I asked thinking I might give cavalier title a try if it’s possible with R3 champs...

    For the first couple quests I used 2 r3s (AA and Quake) along with a r4 Venom and Ghost, an r1 Wasp and sometimes my 6* r1 Claire Voyant. The only thing you need for the r3s is boosts. I had a few boosts in my inventory and I ended up using almost all of them. I’m on the last Sentinel Boss right now, Archangel cleared some of the path for me as an r3 unboosted so I’d definitely say it’s possible.
  • HavocGamer49HavocGamer49 Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    Mr. Fantastic
    Aa can do anything as long as it bleeds and poisons
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020

    Kill_Grey said:

    If you ramp VTD up he could work for the sentinel boss

    How? There's fisticuffs, buddy
    Ah damn thanks for reminding me but if I’m not mistaken Doesn’t VTD on his SP3 regain all his buffs or would the power drain every 30 seconds stop that from happening? @Kill_Grey?
    Yeah, Plagued mind would be a problem.
  • aroseinbloom39aroseinbloom39 Member Posts: 62
    Mr. Fantastic
    And I'm cavalier now guys!!!!!
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    And I'm cavalier now guys!!!!!

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