I got colossus sig 150 r5,..warlock sig 50 r5 and mags sig 125 r5,..although colossus and warlock are both excellent,..mags is the overall better champ now imo,..he’s a beast,..so much use for a lot of content,..not just a AQ Doom slayer.
great options to have .. Colossus or Red Mags. depending on your roster though and what content you're trying to tackle ... Warlock and Hype are also beasts.
Yea mags bro,..and all that stuff bout him only being good for robots is a myth,..he’s close to bleed immune so slays all the bleeders in skill class easy,..and he basically isn’t ever at a class disadvantage as all the techs or most of them are #metal,..I’ve had him r5 since his updated release and every sig stone I add to his sig he just keeps getting better.