Monke said:Congrats on getting cav!
Congrats on getting cav!
Moot4Life said:just use those units for cyber monday to get another one!
just use those units for cyber monday to get another one!
SkyLord7000 said:I just beat the grandmaster today (yay!) and got captain marvel (original) and the champion from my 6* star crystals. 😔(Thought about creating a forum post asking for a buff)
I just beat the grandmaster today (yay!) and got captain marvel (original) and the champion from my 6* star crystals. 😔(Thought about creating a forum post asking for a buff)
flygamer said:I pulled a 6* Joebroken today if that makes you feel any better.
I pulled a 6* Joebroken today if that makes you feel any better.
anaLysis_ said:Congrats on cavalier, on the bright side ultron has some use with double immunities and synergies for act 6 at least
Congrats on cavalier, on the bright side ultron has some use with double immunities and synergies for act 6 at least
Iron_Patriot_is_lit said:Does movie ultron have furies?
Does movie ultron have furies?
HavocGamer49 said: Iron_Patriot_is_lit said:Does movie ultron have furies? Nope but hes a potential havok counter lol.Only champ I have that has some sort of armour up
Iron_Patriot_is_lit said: HavocGamer49 said: Iron_Patriot_is_lit said:Does movie ultron have furies? Nope but hes a potential havok counter lol.Only champ I have that has some sort of armour up Have fun with sinister.
(Thought about creating a forum post asking for a buff)
Only champ I have that has some sort of armour up
That Ultron would be a nice synergie partner for my warlock