Incursion Politeness, Issues, and Rules

So I wish kabam would allow you to back out of an incursion on the first room and keep your guys.
I like to run incursions. The 5 star crystals have been pretty good and you can snag some 6 star shards if your not targeting someone. People that play incursions in pugs often are terrible and rude so let's see how tolerant people are.
First off, I know it's better to play with friends and sometimes you even get great pug groups. This thread will be a place for people to post rules and niceties they follow.
My first rule of random incursions is I give a 1 minute afk timer. I normally take out most of the bosses in random groups. If I'm doing all the work for you and you afk me for any longer than a minute, I quit. It's not like playing with a friend. If your a rando and you can't stay by your device then don't bother to play.
If you are noob enough to take the same side as me, I quit. If your not smart enough to know to take the other side your not worth playing with, period. It doesn't matter what room we are in. I get randoms sometimes don't read the nodes or even check what side is best for what player. If you can't figure out to take the opposite side, don't play. I'm not even sure why kabam let's players take the same side since the nodes link. Do players often eat the degen damage with no degen counter?
Folks that pick what node they want to leave up for me. If your not smart enough to even view who I brought to an incursion you shouldn't randomly pick what nodes to leave up. If you can't take someone let me know. If your going to be a rando then don't feel you need to be a hero and choose what nodes me or my party are better at.
Boss kill. If you can't take a boss, say something or don't try. In a random group it's best to alternate but don't take a boss out of obligation. Throwing away your party isn't a smart or correct move.
Kabam likes to put you in a group with people who don't speak your language. No have a hard to believing that I have to face 6r3 after 6r3 in arena fight after fight because there is an unlimited number of 6r3s doing arena at any given time but kabam can't check what language I chose and give me someone who speaks the same language. At least there are auto response.
Let's talk about incursion chat now. Use it. You can chat for a reason. It's a team game, communication is good with randoms. Kabam, if only you could make incursion chat work all the time. I hate picking an auto response 20 times and have it never appear. So I pick a different response just to make sure incursion chat is down, which it is 80 percent of the time.
A lot of these issues are an easy fix. I'm not sure why we have a game mode that is so fun but so full of issues.
Anyone have any other complaints or comments on what is probably the most fun and most disappointing game feature? Some rules you use in incursions I missed or make it easier (except use line and only play with friends).
I like to run incursions. The 5 star crystals have been pretty good and you can snag some 6 star shards if your not targeting someone. People that play incursions in pugs often are terrible and rude so let's see how tolerant people are.
First off, I know it's better to play with friends and sometimes you even get great pug groups. This thread will be a place for people to post rules and niceties they follow.
My first rule of random incursions is I give a 1 minute afk timer. I normally take out most of the bosses in random groups. If I'm doing all the work for you and you afk me for any longer than a minute, I quit. It's not like playing with a friend. If your a rando and you can't stay by your device then don't bother to play.
If you are noob enough to take the same side as me, I quit. If your not smart enough to know to take the other side your not worth playing with, period. It doesn't matter what room we are in. I get randoms sometimes don't read the nodes or even check what side is best for what player. If you can't figure out to take the opposite side, don't play. I'm not even sure why kabam let's players take the same side since the nodes link. Do players often eat the degen damage with no degen counter?
Folks that pick what node they want to leave up for me. If your not smart enough to even view who I brought to an incursion you shouldn't randomly pick what nodes to leave up. If you can't take someone let me know. If your going to be a rando then don't feel you need to be a hero and choose what nodes me or my party are better at.
Boss kill. If you can't take a boss, say something or don't try. In a random group it's best to alternate but don't take a boss out of obligation. Throwing away your party isn't a smart or correct move.
Kabam likes to put you in a group with people who don't speak your language. No have a hard to believing that I have to face 6r3 after 6r3 in arena fight after fight because there is an unlimited number of 6r3s doing arena at any given time but kabam can't check what language I chose and give me someone who speaks the same language. At least there are auto response.
Let's talk about incursion chat now. Use it. You can chat for a reason. It's a team game, communication is good with randoms. Kabam, if only you could make incursion chat work all the time. I hate picking an auto response 20 times and have it never appear. So I pick a different response just to make sure incursion chat is down, which it is 80 percent of the time.
A lot of these issues are an easy fix. I'm not sure why we have a game mode that is so fun but so full of issues.
Anyone have any other complaints or comments on what is probably the most fun and most disappointing game feature? Some rules you use in incursions I missed or make it easier (except use line and only play with friends).
Nothing like getting to room 8 and the person your playing with quits out because they got all the artifacts they need. They quit out while both you and them have all champs at full health. I hate these players the most.
Don't be selfish.
These comments show how selfish a lot of players are. Kabam why not add an incursion feature for selfish people that don't want to help out their random partner?
That’s the risk you are taking when playing with random matchmaking.
Whether you have a descent roster of high ranked champs to deal with it, or you stay away from public matchmaking.
Simple as that 👍
When you play ANY other mode in this game do you only do part of it? Half a lane? Don't finish AQ or aw? Only do 1 fight in a 3v3 arena match?
The answer is no because you get something out of doing the whole thing. If you think quitting out of a team event after you get your reward isn't selfish your fooling yourself.
Heck I quit out when I get what I want too because it's easier. Sometimes I feel like a jerk when I check out a profile and they only have a few good champs and I quit after two rooms because that's all I need after someone early quit on me the round before. It's still selfish. It's the only game mode that you can get what you want and eff the other person over.
So yes, I do, and probably many people do as well because of time issues. So I'm sorry if you have all the time in the world to spend, but we don't have the same privilege. Maybe do something else with all that time...
For me, I don't see the fun in doing random fill incursions. I think for most people, the fun comes in having a moment with someone you relate well with. If someone is doing randoms, then 9/10 times, they are in it for the rewards.
Don't go into it expecting some random person to care much for you. As cruel as it sounds, why should they care? They really have no reason to sympathise with you. You never know what's going on in someone's life, and how short of time they are. There's nothing much that can be done about this. Either find a reliable friend, or deal with this harsh reality.
I just opened up a forum to talk. I sometimes do this to. Yes, sometimes I do the selfish thing and screw the other person over too.
Why is it the thought of being selfish and screwing your other player over such a touchy subject to some of you? It happens. Own it if you do it.