Phone still over heating?

I’m currently running mcoc on my mobile phone. The phone is getting a overheating message like 10-15min to playing the game. Only occurs while playing the game. As the phone begins to heat up the game becomes extremely laggy. The same lag from when the iPhone is on 1% battery life. Is there any other post about devices overheating? I tried looking for a thread but everything was well over a year old.

Operating system: iOS 14.1
Device: iPhone X
Game version: 29.0.0


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  • Fr3chny17Fr3chny17 Member Posts: 6
    Game is becoming worse and worse with the over heating before I could play for like 15 min or so. Now I can barely get through a few fights where my phone becomes extremely hot and game performance goes right out the window. I know it’s not my device, I have other ally members claiming overheating issues as well on the newest of devices. I have no other apps or phone issues creating my phone to overheat, but as soon as I start up mcoc boom phone becomes warm and as a few minutes goes by the phone becomes almost untouchable. Kabam really needs to address this in some way.
  • Fr3chny17Fr3chny17 Member Posts: 6
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★
    I have an heat dissipation handcontroller type. I clip my phone on it, activate the fans and the phone cools down fast and the game runs good.
  • SecretWarri0rSecretWarri0r Member Posts: 234
    Same issue here. Doesn’t happen constantly. iPhone 7 Plus. Never happened before the last update
  • Fr3chny17Fr3chny17 Member Posts: 6
    Daddrieda said:

    I have an heat dissipation handcontroller type. I clip my phone on it, activate the fans and the phone cools down fast and the game runs good.

    I’ve seen those. It shouldn’t be we need to buy a device that prevents your phone from overheating. Kabam had this problem a long while back. Whatever they did to fix it, they need to readdress the issue again and come up with a solution. And before someone says maybe it’s your phone...... I have ppl that have the newest phones out to date saying they are having overheating issues. The game has been bad in all parts since the October update. Hasn’t been fun lately to grind content. Especially content on a time frame. Can’t play for more than 10-15 min. It’s becoming really annoying.
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