My 6 Roster

FRITO_ManFRITO_Man Member Posts: 716 ★★★

Roster so far. How would you rate it?


  • JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Member Posts: 2,048 ★★★★★
    Pretty great. 5/6
  • anaLysis_anaLysis_ Member Posts: 259 ★★★
    uh oh here comes the domino trash talk
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    4 really good champs. nice! well surfer might be a stretch
  • FRITO_ManFRITO_Man Member Posts: 716 ★★★

    4 really good champs. nice! well surfer might be a stretch

    I only think Surfer, Sentinel and Domino are pretty good, along with Falcon
    I just don't like Phoneix, she has no use for me rn so she sits on the bench
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,469 ★★★★★
    Pretty good, but you spelled Roaster/Rooster wrong.
  • FRITO_ManFRITO_Man Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    Monke said:

    8/10 solid roster. The solid dud is SIM, and an ok champion is Phoenix. Overall it's a solid roster

    Praying for that SIM rework
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,936 ★★★★★
    what is this roster you speak of
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