Three 5*Awakening Gems

MarshMarloMarshMarlo Member Posts: 243 ★★★
edited November 2020 in Strategy and Tips
As the title says, I have 3 AG. Generic, Cosmic, Tech.

I pulled 3 Cosmic/tech dual crystals and got Hulkbuster, Hela, and Yondu.

Here's all my 5* Roster. Pls pls need help to decide who to awaken.

As you can see I have OR and CAIW but:
1) i dont run suicide so I might not enjoy OR
2) Im still feeding all sigstone to Void so sad for CAIW

any thoughts? My runner-ups are Stealthy, Starlord, Silver surfer, or Falcon

Post edited by Kabam Rose on


  • Negative_100Negative_100 Member Posts: 1,650 ★★★★
    Tech on darkhawk or Star-Lord. Probably Star-Lord. Use the generic on CapIW and rank them up.
  • MarshMarloMarshMarlo Member Posts: 243 ★★★
    I'm not familiar with darkhawk dupe skill. Tbh i didnt even considered him. Lol lemme search that
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    Darkhawk is a great champion. He has double immunities, power control in stealth mode, great damage in Null mode, defensive sheild mode, regeneration whenever you switch mode and a long heal block on sp3 when you activate Null mode. And he's very easy to play.

    However, he requires a high level of investment. You need him at max sig to get his full potential otherwise he's a bit meh. He also ideally needs Night Thrasher. Night Thrasher is a great champion. He also needs high sig tho. You can play him without NT, but he's slightly boring until you can fire off sp3. With NT you have 2/3 chance to start fight in either stealth mode or Null. With high sig null mode gives you crazy damage as his attack is doubled or something. Stealth mode grants you a significant amount of power like 70% i think while decreasing enemy power by 60%, so you get to an sp3 very quick. Plus node change = regen. I may not have the numbers exact.
    Probably why he's not used as much. He's no Ghost or Quake that he's account changing but he needs a lot of resources for well.. a decent champ. Warlock and Sentinel require no sig and they can do basically everything DH can do.
    Don't get me wrong, I love DH. I awakened him with a tech AG. But he'll be at r1 till he's close to max sig.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,977 ★★★★★
    I’d definitely use the generic on OR. I don’t run suicides but my maxed 4* was my main path cleared through almost all of act 5. If you don’t use it on him I’d wait. Mainly because it’s a generic and you don’t have nick fury or ghost yet. Definitely use a mutant awakening gem on him if you get it though.
  • MarshMarloMarshMarlo Member Posts: 243 ★★★
    @Fluffy_paws thank you for the clear review about him. Tho I might not awaken him. I srysly dont have sigsstone since im still feeding void.

    And I already have Warlock at R4.

    @Will3808 i have 4* OR as well. I honestly dont like his play without suicides. You either need the sabertooth synergy or play very aggressively. But thank you. I'll still think about it. It's either OR or Starlord then.

    I so badly want a CMM or corvus that's why i pulled 3 dual cosmic tech
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    Yeah in your case I'd say don't even consider him - you have Warlock and also many other champs that'll be draining your sig stones -void, capiw, omega .. that's a lot of sigs.

    I feel bad saying it bc i love Darkhawk. But.. its true.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,977 ★★★★★
    I understand if you don’t want to play OR. If that’s the case I’d hold onto the gem until you get someone better.
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