OG Cap Buff Concept

Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 638 ★★★
Signature Ability - Erskein's Super-Soldier Formula - For every debuff on the enemy gain X attack rating, X block proficency, and 4% more perfect block chance.
Gain 2400 physical resistance and 1000 more when the Shield is active
When Captain America is inflicted with a stun, It is purified at the cost of purifying 3 debuffs on the opponent, 2 while facing a mystic and 4 while facing a skill champion and Cap gains a passive 60% fury.
Stuns inflicted by Cap on perfect blocks recieve X% duration

Captain America is enhanced by the super-soldier formula giving him 90% resistance to all toxins and poisons present in the Contest.
Captain America has a Passive Buff known as the shield which provides him 50% perfect block chance, 2000 block proficency, and 30% to apply a 7 second fatigue on all blocks and 100% on well timed blocks.
Captain doesn't back down to bullies no matter the size. Against #L and #XL champions, Cap gains 1000 physical resistance and 10% defensive ability accuracy.

The Shield
35% to resist heavy attacks while active and is increased by 25% with the Stand your Ground mastery present.
The shield of Cap can never be broken but his strength is not as infinite as his spirit. After a heavy attack connects successfully without going through block, the Shield buff is disbled for 10 seconds. Captain America can also block an unblockble attack which disables the Shield buff for 12 seconds.

Heavy Attacks
100% to apply one amor break lasting 12 seconds, max 4 on the enemy

Shellshocked is a passive debuff which decreases defensive ability accuracy by 50% and blocks all healing. While shellshocked, well timed blocks inflict a taunt debuff lasting 6 seconds.

Special Attacks
1. Shield Bash
Cap puts his weight behind a hefty shield bash
100% chance to apply a armor break lasting 12 seconds
60% to apply a 2 second stun, 70% if a fatigue is on the apponent

2. Shield Toss
A staple of the Cap repertoire, his shield strikes true and through
Caps second hit is true striked preventing evade and ignoring all armor.
100% chance to apply armor break lasting 12 seconds
80% to apply 3 second stun
If a fatigue and armor break debuff are on the opponent and the Shield buff is active apply a 5 second bleed dealing 3140.5 damage

3. American Justice
An up close personal view of Cap's shield. Don't blink, or you'll miss it
Applies Shellshocked lasting 20 seconds and a 4.5 second stun

I welcome people making suggestions. You can tell me what you'd change , what you'd add, if its terrible XD. This was my first rework.


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  • JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Member Posts: 2,049 ★★★★★
    Why are there suddenly so many buff posts here?

    This buff idea sounds cool
  • ABOMBABOMB Member Posts: 564 ★★★
    Make this happen at all cost!!!
  • Bloodbath96Bloodbath96 Member Posts: 24
    defensive ability is quite similar to Red Guardian but I like the whole idea. The super serum should also give him immunity to any armor break debuff as well as give him fury equal to opponents buff. P.S- You have done a great job lets see when kabam will add some nice buffs.
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