Is deep wounds necessary for Nick Fury?

I just pulled Mick fury as a 5* and was wondering if his damage output and utility is worth ranking him up and awakening him without deep wounds? Also any tips on his rotation would be appreciated.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
I'm going to take that as flattery
I'm going to take that as flattery
With his furies and ranked up, you basically multiply his bleed by some constant, but the ratio should stay the same.
TLDR: deep wounds increase his average dps of MLLLL combo by 50%, and I believe it's his best rotation to go.
Only you decide, if it's necessary
Once in the second phase, 2-3 sp1 to get above 15 charges to go unblockable, and while you have fury active, you don't need sp1 anymore. Sp3 has +3.4k attack increase is you have fury buff and+ 3.4k attack if opponent has internal bleed. I believe his fury also gives+ 3.4k attack, with base of 1.8k. The total attack on sp3 is 12k. Sp2 doesn't look interesting compared to it. So you probably want to spam sp3 in longer fights.
Also I just noticed that his bleeds gain double potency of opponent doesn't have regeneration active, so it means deep wounds would be even more beneficial: 4.4k vs 8.4. So deep wounds almost double his damage for MLLLL.
Now I know why I wasn't impressed with mine. He's still a decent champ anyway
With a team of black panthers, it goes up to about 5.5k per tick! That's about 40k from a single bleed! Vs class advantage, it can go up to about 43k! From a single bleed!
Normal situation: 1 sec bleed, so 2 ticks
Max deep wounds: + 2.5 secs to bleed, so 5 ticks
So deepwounds increase the damage of his "main bleed" by 250% (or 3.5 times). You can play without it, but each deep wounds point is one more tick of that bleed