AQ focused ally (6x5 with mods) with low stress AW (G1/2) looking for new members

We are an active alliance hitting rank 400 in AQ weekly. Decided to move to low stress AW (where we don’t have to deal with stubborn) and maintaining gold 1/2 for rewards. Great group of guys where life comes first. We just had a number of retirements from the game so room for 5. Our avg member prestige is 10k+. Hit me up in line or in game if interested: adamb208 (or any other officer; alliance details below).


  • Adamb208Adamb208 Member Posts: 152
    Still looking
  • Adamb208Adamb208 Member Posts: 152
    Still have room for a few more.
  • Krishna24Krishna24 Member Posts: 416 ★★★
    Is line required? We are 3 players with prestige 9k,7k,7k
  • Adamb208Adamb208 Member Posts: 152
    We use line to communicate. We might be able to make 1 work but if all 3 are off line it would be extremely difficult. Do you all have map 6 experience? And can you all handle map 6x5 with modifiers?
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