Agent Venom Buff Concept

Signature Ability - Symbiotic Empowerment
Flash and Venom are at their best when they're together.
All debuffs and buffs recieve 15% more potency
Recharge time to start accumulating Klyntar Charges again is reduced by 2 seconds
Start off the fight with 15 Klyntar charges and Symbiote Sense
Gains 5 Klyntar Charges after purifying a debuff and X attack rating for the rest of the battle.
Klyntar Charges, Klyntar Rage, Symbiote Sense, Tenacity, Venom Buffs
Bleed, Critical Bleed, Concussion, Incinerate, Vulnerable, Precision, Cruelty.
Venom insulates Flash providing him immunity to Shock and Life Steal abilities.
Tenacity gives Agent Venom 70% to shrug off debuffs every 3.5 seconds
Venom turns his hatred away from Spider-Verse heros like Spiderman and embraces Flash's idolism of them. Venom's hatred instead turns against Spider-Verse villains. Agent Venom gains X attack rating against champions with both #Spider-Verse and #Villain. He does not gain this bonus unless both tags are present on the opponent.
Venom Buffs - Genetic Minds
Venom, having Genetic Memory, can give Flash and himself buffs from his past form to help expose and take advantage of opponent's weak points. Agent Venom can gain Symbiote Sense, Precision, and Cruelty.
Symbiote Sense
Ignore 65% of armor and resistance, prevents evasion, and lowers auto-block ability accuracy by 35%
Klyntar Charges
Agent Venom gains Klyntar Charges, max 75, which gives him buffs every 15 charges
Gains 10 charges every 5 seconds
Gains Klyntar Charges from succesfully hitting the opponent with special attacks
At 15+ charges, gain an idefinite Symbiote Sense
At 30+ charges, gain an indefinite Precision buff increasing crit rating by X
At 45+ charges, gain an indefinite cruelty buff increasing crit damge by X
At 60+ charges gain another indefinite cruelty buff increasing crit damge by X
At 75 charges, gain Klyntar Rage which lasts 16 seconds
Lose 10 charges when any buff not triggered by the Dexterity Mastery is nullified
Lose 5 charges when the opponent purifies one debuff
Klyntar Rage
This buff is passive and always lasts 16 seconds. The duration cannot be decreased or increased through ability accuracy.
Klyntar Rage provides X attack rating, unstoppable heavies, unblockable specials, Tenacity is now at 100%, and critical damage is increased X for each unique debuff on the opponent. All bleeds inflicted are upgraded to Critical Bleeds and last 5 seconds. Bonuses given by Venom Buffs stay active. Once Klyntar Rage ends, all buffs on Agent Venom last 3 seconds and then end and the Klyntar Charges reset to 0. Agent Venom cannot gain anymore charges for 12 seconds allowing himself and his Symbiote to rest.
Special Attacks
1. Suppressive Fire
Two acrobatic strikes, followed by a punishing barrage from Agent's Venom's twin SMG's. Dodge this!
Last hit applies 8 second bleed dealing X damage. If Klyntar Rage is active this bleed is a critical bleed dealing X damage over 5 seconds and special attack is unblockable
If this attack successfuly hits the opponent once, gain 5 Klyntar Charges
2. Thermite Breach
Thermite, one of the US's most devastating grenades, thrown by a Symbiotic appendage at extreme velocities.
Second hit applies an incinerate dealing x damage and reducing block proficency by 50%
Second hit also applies an concussion reducing ability accuracy by 70% and lasting 14 seconds
If Klyntar Rage is active both hits are guranteed crits and special attack is unblockable
If this attack successfully hits the opponent once, gain 10 Klyntar Charges.
3. Shock and Awe
With two well-placed web shots, Flash keeps his target still while he unloads six clips into them.
Applies vulnerable debuff increasing Agent Venom's crit damage by X lasting 20 seconds and 6 bleeds lasting 8 seconds dealing X damage all together. If Klyntar Rage is active those six bleeds are upgraded into one massive critical bleed dealing x damage over 5 seconds.
Gain 15-20 Klyntar Charges
Lots of Debuffs - Agent Venome applies a lot of debuffs for nodes that require you to apply debuffs. Agent Venom also purifies Buffs pretty reliably even without the boost given by Klyntar Rage making him a good counter for Void or Red Goblin who toss out a lot of debuffs.
Suicide Friendly - Agent Venom's sp 3 does a ton of damage and applies one of the best bleeds in the Contest. Additionally, his Sp. 3 gives him the most Klyntar Charges helping him gain his buffs and move him closer to Klyntar Rage and the bonuses it provides.
Evade and Auto-Block Counter - Agent Venom gains Symbiote Sense very early in a fight making him stop all evasion and lower auto-block chance by 35% and ignore 65% of armor and resistance. He also has unblockable specials with Klyntar Rage which can rip through auto-blocks that happen at the worst times.
Buffs - For nodes that need buffs on the attacker, Agent Venom gains up 5 buffs at time, 6 if the dexterity mastery is present. This shows off Agent Venom's cosmic components.
Nullification - Not all of Agent Venoms buffs are passive. In fact, most of them are not. If champions attacking or defending can nullify his buffs, it takes away Klyntar Charges and makes Agent Venom's ramp-up slower. It also removes his bonuses he recieves from those buffs.
Ability Accuracy of Tenacity - Apocalypse is a good counter for Agent Venom because he is bleed immune and because he gets rid of Agent Venom's ability to get rid of debuffs making Agent Venom lose a way to get Klyntar Charges. Also, if Agent Venom can't purify debuffs, he will be damaged and affected by any debuffs inflicted.
Bleed Immune - Agent Venoms bleeds are good source of damage with his crit bleed of the Sp 3 doing insane damage. If champions are bleed immune, they take away a chunk of damage Agent Venom can inflict upon his opponent.
This one took forever. Lots of research and brainstorming and I really hope it turned out ok. As I said with the OG Cap Buff Rework, tell me what you would change, what you'd add, if its any good or if its trash.
Flash and Venom are at their best when they're together.
All debuffs and buffs recieve 15% more potency
Recharge time to start accumulating Klyntar Charges again is reduced by 2 seconds
Start off the fight with 15 Klyntar charges and Symbiote Sense
Gains 5 Klyntar Charges after purifying a debuff and X attack rating for the rest of the battle.
Klyntar Charges, Klyntar Rage, Symbiote Sense, Tenacity, Venom Buffs
Bleed, Critical Bleed, Concussion, Incinerate, Vulnerable, Precision, Cruelty.
Venom insulates Flash providing him immunity to Shock and Life Steal abilities.
Tenacity gives Agent Venom 70% to shrug off debuffs every 3.5 seconds
Venom turns his hatred away from Spider-Verse heros like Spiderman and embraces Flash's idolism of them. Venom's hatred instead turns against Spider-Verse villains. Agent Venom gains X attack rating against champions with both #Spider-Verse and #Villain. He does not gain this bonus unless both tags are present on the opponent.
Venom Buffs - Genetic Minds
Venom, having Genetic Memory, can give Flash and himself buffs from his past form to help expose and take advantage of opponent's weak points. Agent Venom can gain Symbiote Sense, Precision, and Cruelty.
Symbiote Sense
Ignore 65% of armor and resistance, prevents evasion, and lowers auto-block ability accuracy by 35%
Klyntar Charges
Agent Venom gains Klyntar Charges, max 75, which gives him buffs every 15 charges
Gains 10 charges every 5 seconds
Gains Klyntar Charges from succesfully hitting the opponent with special attacks
At 15+ charges, gain an idefinite Symbiote Sense
At 30+ charges, gain an indefinite Precision buff increasing crit rating by X
At 45+ charges, gain an indefinite cruelty buff increasing crit damge by X
At 60+ charges gain another indefinite cruelty buff increasing crit damge by X
At 75 charges, gain Klyntar Rage which lasts 16 seconds
Lose 10 charges when any buff not triggered by the Dexterity Mastery is nullified
Lose 5 charges when the opponent purifies one debuff
Klyntar Rage
This buff is passive and always lasts 16 seconds. The duration cannot be decreased or increased through ability accuracy.
Klyntar Rage provides X attack rating, unstoppable heavies, unblockable specials, Tenacity is now at 100%, and critical damage is increased X for each unique debuff on the opponent. All bleeds inflicted are upgraded to Critical Bleeds and last 5 seconds. Bonuses given by Venom Buffs stay active. Once Klyntar Rage ends, all buffs on Agent Venom last 3 seconds and then end and the Klyntar Charges reset to 0. Agent Venom cannot gain anymore charges for 12 seconds allowing himself and his Symbiote to rest.
Special Attacks
1. Suppressive Fire
Two acrobatic strikes, followed by a punishing barrage from Agent's Venom's twin SMG's. Dodge this!
Last hit applies 8 second bleed dealing X damage. If Klyntar Rage is active this bleed is a critical bleed dealing X damage over 5 seconds and special attack is unblockable
If this attack successfuly hits the opponent once, gain 5 Klyntar Charges
2. Thermite Breach
Thermite, one of the US's most devastating grenades, thrown by a Symbiotic appendage at extreme velocities.
Second hit applies an incinerate dealing x damage and reducing block proficency by 50%
Second hit also applies an concussion reducing ability accuracy by 70% and lasting 14 seconds
If Klyntar Rage is active both hits are guranteed crits and special attack is unblockable
If this attack successfully hits the opponent once, gain 10 Klyntar Charges.
3. Shock and Awe
With two well-placed web shots, Flash keeps his target still while he unloads six clips into them.
Applies vulnerable debuff increasing Agent Venom's crit damage by X lasting 20 seconds and 6 bleeds lasting 8 seconds dealing X damage all together. If Klyntar Rage is active those six bleeds are upgraded into one massive critical bleed dealing x damage over 5 seconds.
Gain 15-20 Klyntar Charges
Lots of Debuffs - Agent Venome applies a lot of debuffs for nodes that require you to apply debuffs. Agent Venom also purifies Buffs pretty reliably even without the boost given by Klyntar Rage making him a good counter for Void or Red Goblin who toss out a lot of debuffs.
Suicide Friendly - Agent Venom's sp 3 does a ton of damage and applies one of the best bleeds in the Contest. Additionally, his Sp. 3 gives him the most Klyntar Charges helping him gain his buffs and move him closer to Klyntar Rage and the bonuses it provides.
Evade and Auto-Block Counter - Agent Venom gains Symbiote Sense very early in a fight making him stop all evasion and lower auto-block chance by 35% and ignore 65% of armor and resistance. He also has unblockable specials with Klyntar Rage which can rip through auto-blocks that happen at the worst times.
Buffs - For nodes that need buffs on the attacker, Agent Venom gains up 5 buffs at time, 6 if the dexterity mastery is present. This shows off Agent Venom's cosmic components.
Nullification - Not all of Agent Venoms buffs are passive. In fact, most of them are not. If champions attacking or defending can nullify his buffs, it takes away Klyntar Charges and makes Agent Venom's ramp-up slower. It also removes his bonuses he recieves from those buffs.
Ability Accuracy of Tenacity - Apocalypse is a good counter for Agent Venom because he is bleed immune and because he gets rid of Agent Venom's ability to get rid of debuffs making Agent Venom lose a way to get Klyntar Charges. Also, if Agent Venom can't purify debuffs, he will be damaged and affected by any debuffs inflicted.
Bleed Immune - Agent Venoms bleeds are good source of damage with his crit bleed of the Sp 3 doing insane damage. If champions are bleed immune, they take away a chunk of damage Agent Venom can inflict upon his opponent.
This one took forever. Lots of research and brainstorming and I really hope it turned out ok. As I said with the OG Cap Buff Rework, tell me what you would change, what you'd add, if its any good or if its trash.