what content namor really shines on? and share ur thought about him

RhyuRhyu Member Posts: 127
edited November 2020 in Strategy and Tips
so basically im just curious about what forum thought about namor, just pulled him a couple days ago as a 5*

while im doin act 5 complete and exploration, i was wondering to pulled him so it helps me through the exploration easily, now im already elder's bane and cavalier, now ima on my progress to do some completation run on act 6.

so, eventho he's an really amazing champ and one of my favorite one, its namor still relevant on act 6 content, again, im just curious about ur thought, so, give me some of ur thought about him below! any comment will be appreciate!

thank you


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  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    I’ve used my r3 in a lot of my Cav run
  • RhyuRhyu Member Posts: 127

    ranked5 namor a few days ago
    used hi a bit in 6.3 few days ago
    his high damage attack does pretty well for a lot of stuff ends **** in minutes and even in cav EQ if you want some support in skill quest I dont have nick or a good bleeder from skill so i used namor and he does so well there

    btw I haven't even max sig him yet but there are a lot of fights he can cheese in act6 on lot of lanes
    Ant-Man on micro reflect. 6.2.5 and 6.4.3
    do not go gentle global, stung once twice shy lanes. and electros, and damage reflection stuff like thorns, cramping gassed etc. nodes
    hurt locker
    and entire variant2 global node

    ah thats sweet mate, thank you, appreciate it!
  • RhyuRhyu Member Posts: 127

    I’ve used my r3 in a lot of my Cav run

    cool, i do cav run without him, and hopin he can help me on some complete act 6 run
  • UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Member Posts: 589 ★★★
    Unawakened, he has pretty much no utility (he is really fun on caltrops, though). His sig ability is awesome. The higher his sig level, the better he's gonna be with suicides and on nodes like thorns and starburst. It also further increases his damage. Speaking of his damage, that's great as well. He has really high DPS if you manage to play him properly.
  • RhyuRhyu Member Posts: 127

    Unawakened, he has pretty much no utility (he is really fun on caltrops, though). His sig ability is awesome. The higher his sig level, the better he's gonna be with suicides and on nodes like thorns and starburst. It also further increases his damage. Speaking of his damage, that's great as well. He has really high DPS if you manage to play him properly.

    agreed! a bit complicated at first to build a stack of fury but once you get used to it, he got a massive damage,

    anyway thank you!
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