To r3 or Not to r3– That is the Question

What do you think, should I r3 him? I don’t have Nick, I hate stealthy, no Ronin, HM, or Elsa, and if I pull one, I’m half way to a second cat. On top of that all I have left is the abyss, and r3 6* Aegon has a higher challenger rating so I get more hits. The sig is garbage right now, but hopefully come cyber weekend that will change.(I’m willing to wait but I’m a bit antsy. Also I know it’s all “RNG” but I literally always get the catalyst I have the most of. And I don’t want more skill rn.)
Also my current r3s are Ghost and Torch.
To r3 or Not to r3– That is the Question 15 votes
-A Mod