Dragon man vs Tigra - who is the better champ?

I'll try to keep this as short as possible here,
Me and my mates were arguing again about who is the better champ between these 2 Mystics.
I've heard convincing arguments for both but in the end we can't come to a conclusion as a whole.
So I leave it over to the public.
Also if you could leave your reasons why, it would be much appreciated!
Also I have both and I have a 3 - 4 gem and this will help me decide who to use it on.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
But I do want to use the rank up gem though
Dragon man is just easier to play though and also has good damage
Dragon Man can have the same high damage output Tigra has. He takes a little ramp up but if you have MD, it makes it easier to get there. DM requires you to keep your defender pinned in the corner. He's immune to poison and bleeds and isn't effected by nodes like Delirium. DM doesn't require that much skill to use, just keep your specials cycles up and the defenders die easy.
Tigra has some awesome damage. She takes a little bit to ramp up as well. Tigra's downfall relies on the summoners abilities to release her heavy on time. This takes a bit to master but extremely satisfying when you do. Tigra's miss mechanic is also key with so many projectile specials out there.
They both are pretty unique and have some specializations but truthfully, Tigra might have the edge. I do love using DM though.
To be one of the best champs in the entire game in a year or so. Tigra has excellent utility.
The issue with dragon man is he offers immunities , but doesn’t interact with buffs like a true mystic. On my eyes this hurts his standing. I use him all
The time but just for fun. Also he is good for slowing champs that aren’t science.
Double immunities, deals with delirium, access to incinerate, reduces the potency of buffs, can go unblockable and unstoppable, goes complete god mode afte SP3’s, can counter diss track and buffed up
All that, plus his power gain. It’s basically like Hyperion’s, and that is what makes Hyperion so good. Special intercepts for days and reaching specials without hitting is massive. Not to mention with the sig ability he reduces the effectiveness of regen and power gain fairly heftily, with the potency doubling against cosmics, making him a great Hyperion counter at a decently high sig
Oh yeah, and he can access slow. You know, what is widely considered to be the best debuff in the game.
Such an underrated champ, and the damage isn’t half bad. Tigra’s great, and I’ve seen some stupidly impressive things with her, plus she’s only going to gain value as more projectile specials are released, but I wanted to make the case for Dragon Man here
If you want a good mystic , you can’t go wrong. But you aren’t really comparing apples to apples.
The most objective way I can put it.
Dragon man sucks as a mystic character , he has no way to interact with buffs , and when he faces the tougher cosmic champs he won’t shine, and really won’t check a box for you on your roster other than immunity. Damage is there of course
Tigra - For most people and is a crappy option because the skill required is probably something you won’t put the time into, because it’s a long road ahead. But... you don’t have to get sexy with it. If you see a cosmic champ, you can parry heavy and counter your way through a fight. The skill comes to really see that damage. Tigra will check a box for you.
Still it looks like I'll be ranking up tigra
His signature ability passively reduces regen potency and power gain potency, this is okay but caps at 35%.