Are gold boosts a thing on Cyber weekend?

So, I was chatting with a alliance mate recently and during conversation, I found out that he was hoarding more than 200 gold crystals (He is not a hoarder btw)
I asked him why and he said that he wanted to take advantage of the gold boost on Cyber Weekend, which surprised me because I haven't heard of "gold boosts" in relation with Cyber Weekend, but then again I started playing in February so this will be my first Cyber Weekend, so anyway, I wanted to ask whether 10 or 20% gold boosts are generally seen on Cyber weekend?
Appreciate the help
I asked him why and he said that he wanted to take advantage of the gold boost on Cyber Weekend, which surprised me because I haven't heard of "gold boosts" in relation with Cyber Weekend, but then again I started playing in February so this will be my first Cyber Weekend, so anyway, I wanted to ask whether 10 or 20% gold boosts are generally seen on Cyber weekend?
Appreciate the help
strange how you dont get as much from story as you do from duplicating champions.