5* Medusa worth cosmic awakening gem?

So I just pulled a 5* Medusa and as you can see from the picture below I have a maxed 4* Medusa. I’m going to take my 5* up so that if I need to deal with annoying robots in act 6 I’ll have a strong counter for them. I have a cosmic awakening gem and as you can see no other good cosmics to awaken currently. I don’t really need her for act 6 stuff anytime soon since I’m already cav and am going to explore act 5 plus do some variant stuff before I go back into act 6. I did feel a large difference between when my 4* was awakened vs not. So should I use it on her now or save it for later use?

Post edited by Kabam Rose on
Unless you really like Medusa.
Go awaken her if you will be leaving her at defense in war.
6.2 doesn't have any robot bosses so you should complete it then from 6.3 the robot bosses return. Till then if you don't get magneto then awaken her and rank her up.
Who's better and benefits from the AG? CosmicGR, corvus? CMM at a push for needing an AG?
Unduped she can deal with buffet, which is actually useful. Duped, she can deal with buffed up very easily.
You may not pull red mags and Medusa will still get in your team to take down robots when you don't have mags. She's simply that good at it and also hits like a truck at 3 fury and armour shatter.
With the Royal synergy team, I take ws in 88 hits and that's with 14k mediums. Stun on sp2, armour break, poison immune and shatter too.
She is still one of the best cosmics in the game.
I have her, corvus, Hyperion and annihilus at 5/65 (well, corvus 2/35 6*) and red mags. But she still comes along for the ride regularly enough, especially when corvus is in war. You've got her at 4* 5/50 and know how useful she is. A 5* duped may even become your first 5/65, she's that useful.
No regret at all on using Cosmic awakening Gem on her.
PS: 5* awakening gem right now is much much common than before, even you pull other top cosmic champs later, I don’t think you would need to wait too long to have it been awakened~
There are a few champs that could use it better like Hyperion, Corvus, CMM etc but you dont need to feed her any sig stones which is very cost friendly + she does massive damage.
PPL say Medusa is only good for robots but her damage is very good when you can armorbreak. She is prob in the top 10% damage dealers in the game and she is a great R5 Cosmic.
I only think that CGR Hyperion Corvus and CMM are above her. Venom and Cull are debatable.
Keep in mind that if you bring Black bolt you will gain 6 fury if you are awakend.
100% do it.
Edit: she is very good for the new buffed up chapter in Cavalier EQ and awakening gems come in flooding more anyway.
Awakening also makes her effective on Caustic Temper nodes and Buffed Up nodes (and a bit rubbish on Buffet).
She deals good damage that becomes great damage without any need for Sig Stones, so you can save those for your next Cosmic AG.
Seriously: these things come in packs. I've had five Mystic AGs so far (and not a single Science one!)