Quake Guide

Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
edited November 2020 in Strategy and Tips

How To Quake

Agent X zzz with Methods/Tips from Creepsta, Linecrew and Munash

Now Quake In my opinion is the best champion in the game, Viable for practically all content, she does have a skill cap tho, but she is worth the practice.

Quake Has 3 Main playstyles, 2 are practical 1 is not as practical but very viable and quite effective in many situations (Stubborn, Caltrops, No Retreat)

Quake and Bake (Heavy Parry) Simplest Method
Quake and Shake (Heavy Dexterity) Hard Method
Heavy Only (Hardest Method)

All 3 of these methods are great but can be hard to master, Quake and Bake is the most simple way. This method you alternate between Heavy (Auto Evade) and Parry (Manual Input) This Method has the highest DPS as you will get the most aftershock charges up, but it is not the most effective. due to contact and block damage.

Quake and Shake is the most practical and useful method where you alternate between Heavy (Auto Evade) and Dexterity (Manual Input) If you can master this method, then you can do practically 90% of the game with ease.

Heavy Only is the 3rd method, this method is very hard and I do not recommend learning until you have mastered the other 2, I myself have not mastered this method, if you would like to see this method in action I would recommend you check out "Munash" on YT, he has excellent heavy only gameplay. It has quite a few good uses but is very very hard to master especially with some defenders tricky animations.

I recommend practicing Quake in ROL first to understand her moves and get the "basic feel of her '' after I recommend to practice in 6.1 or 5.4 / Cav or UC EQ. After you can do Heavy Parry quite well. I recommend practicing in LOL to get the Heavy Dexterity method down, once you feel comfortable doing that then I recommend doing rttl Rhino in 4.5, he is debuff immune and has a decently high physical resistance so the fight is great practice if you bring in a 3 or 4* Quake.

What fingers should I use?
Well that depends, you can use any fingers you want, personally I play with double thumb or double index finger, but I can quake with any finger. It is really what you feel most comfortable doing.

Where should I look at the screen when I play Quake?

This question gets asked often, and 2 of my good friends often debate over it a ton, both are very fantastic quake players. One says that you should Watch Quake to avoid dropping heavy / inputs. The other says that you should watch the defender and learn their animations to avoid dropping heavy / inputs.

Personally I learned by watching quake rather than the defender, but again it is what you feel more comfortable doing, the AI can be tricky so it's important to not drop heavy, do the method that makes you slip up the least, that is the method you should practice, both are fantastic either way.
Should I drop my heavy?
No! No! No! I cannot say this enough. Never ever drop heavy unless you must due to a node or ability, if you keep dropping heavy then that means they will get to a bar of power eventually forcing you to bait it and wasting time and taking damage potentially. This becomes a poor habit especially when you are going up against nodes like buffet, spite and power snack you do not want to drop heavy or it can screw over the fight. So please learn by not dropping heavy, although it may be a habit, learn to break it as it may cause problems in the future.

Basic Combo Practice
H = Heavy (Auto) D = Dexterity (Manual)

2 Hit Combo = HDH
3 Hit Combo = HDHH
4 Hit Combo = HDHDH
5 Hit Combo - HDHDHH

After a 3 or 5 hit combo, it is safe to do an extra "Dex'' after the final heavy, but you always want to rotate back to heavy to auto evade the start of the next combo. Doing that extra dex you are essentially dexing nothing, but you will be fast enough to get your heavy back up. Always alternate between the two "Heavy" and "Dexterity" so you do not trip up or mistime a combo causing you to get hit. If this looks too confusing for you at first practice just simply alternating between "evade" and "dexterity" after you get the "alternating" down practice the combo watching to learn animations and doing this can make sure you do not drop heavy at all, the AI can be tricky and learning to watch combos makes sure you will not drop heavy.

But I am failing with Quake! She isn't evading!
Most problems occur with her failure to evade due to you double inputting, you cannot and I repeat cannot have 2 fingers on the screen at once, if you do then you will end up dropping inputs and causing her to fail to evade or dex. Make sure you only have 1 finger on the screen but do not wait for the icon "evade" or icon "dexterity" to appear before you place your other finger on the screen, immediately do it after you evade. If you are on a samsung you can turn on "Show inputs" In the developers section to show inputs on screen. Record the fight and once you watch the recording you can tell if you are double inputting. Another common failure is you are fighting an evade counter, so make sure the champion you are facing is not an evade counter.

Why does Quake work for debuff immune / AAR immunity?

Contrary to her description, Quake does not actually need to have "concussion" on the defender to auto evade, it is simply there to reduce ability accuracy, not to cause auto evade. She is an older champion (2016) So her description is flawed similar to some older champs descriptions, for example Gambit, It says in his description he has a 85% chance to stun on his sp1, but it really is a guaranteed stun. Or Yondu it states in his abilities he can trade armour he steals for units, is this true? No he cannot get units for the armour, she is an older champion with description flaws as others are. It also was a passive icon before things changed and it still acts like one. To make Quake evade attacks you need to do is charge heavy and she has 100% chance to auto evade the next basic attack, it has never required for a concussion to be active.

Additional Methods to get around some specific Nodes / Champs.

Now Spite is a node which grants the defender a permanent power flood while the attacker is under any buff, and you ask: But Quake has a precision buff, how does she deal with this? Now the best method here is to manually dex while you have concussion up to ignore the spite node, the way you do this is build 5-7 points on the aftershock scale for the shorter stun or no stun, then Dex while that concussion debuff is active to get the dexterity buff on you but due to concussion on the defender it will not trigger the power flood. Once you do this, the buff will still be on you but the powerflood will not trigger as long as you do not drop heavy.
Note: Champions with aar immunity or increased ability accuracy you cannot shut down spite and will have to heavy parry / heavy only. This includes AA, Mysterio and Emma Frost.

Buffet / Power Snack
Buffet and Power Snack work the same where every 7 seconds the defender instantly nullifies one of the attackers buffs and instantly generates X% bar of power or X% health. The Method to deal with this generally is by Double Dexing at the start to first nullify that dex buff on you, then immediatley after dex again to trigger the dex buff on you again. Since the buff is on you it cannot be nullified by buffet / power snack the second time, as it nullifies the next "occuring" buff not any pre existing on you. But if there is a Doom on this node you cannot shut down buffet as you do normally, if you do that he will place a shock on you and probably slap you placing a stagger on you, once you dex and the stagger is on you he will shock and slap you again. To deal with a doom on buffet you must shut off buffet the same way you do with spite, get the dex buff on you by dexing while concussion is up. Mephisto as well places a soul imprisonment on you so you cannot shut off buffet at all until the 15 seconds is over.

Encroaching Stun
Encroaching stun is every 20 seconds if you are not in the middle of a special attack you will be stunned. Now this can be an annoying node, notably the Man Thing in 6.4.2, AW, V2 Yellowjackets. but Quake can get around this node, by beginning to charge heavy at 4:51 or 4:49 (War vs Quests work different) Either works and once you do this you will be able to bypass many encroaching stun cycles, if you offtime yourself I recommend parrying before the encroaching stun timer so you can immediately charge heavy again to bypass the stun.

Note: AAR immunity champs you cannot quake as concussion will not be active to bypass encroaching stun.

Trial By Fire
Trial by Fire looks like a scary node that keeps placing incinerates on you, but it really isn't. Half of the time Quake's concussion will shut it off, the other half it will be placed on you but do not worry about it as the incinerate is based off "base damage" rather than modified so it ends up being free Willpower.

Note: Do not use Quake for Trial by Fire + Hot and Bothered nodes, or your evade has a chance to fail, (80%) While under an incinerate effect.

Disstrack is you deal 100% less damage unless the defender is under 3 debuffs. Quake believe it or not works great for diss track, she does not naturally bypass disstrack but she does indeed have 3 debuffs, after every aftershock cycle she will have 2 concussions and 1 stun, being able to work for disstrack, In 6.4.4 There is an annoying Punisher due to his nodes (Disstrack, Energy Adoption Ice and Bubble shield) But Quake works fantastic for him, and she also works for the disstrack rogue who is quite tricky although this is a long fight due to her shrugging off debuffs fast but it is doable.
Note: This does not work on Champions that are either stun immune or aar immune.

Brute Force
Every 6 seconds if the attacker does not land a successful attack on the defender they degenerate 100% of their Max health over 30 seconds, If Quake has class advantage she can actually tank the whole brute force and survive but at low HP (Credit to Linecrew) and BF will not reapply. So this method works for the annoying Magiks in 6.3.4 and 6.2.5. Another way to do this is to execute a light attack or heavy attack to remove the brute force, I recommend using the light attack as the heavy attack gives way too much power, and the light attack gives minimal power. To execute the light attack its safe to do it when against the wall, and can be done in the middle of the screen after the first medium. I have a video of this method on my Channel.

Note: While Brute Force can be tough to Quake it is doable, but I do not recommend as there are better options out there, although she is the best for the BF magiks in 6.2 and 6.3.

Window Of Opportunity (Credit to Linecrew)
Window Of Opportunity works where if you place a stun (Active Or Passive) while the defenders stun shield is active you will be stunned, but If you have concussion up while your stun goes off it will prevent you from being stunned, this can be quite hard to pull off but is doable. Window of Opportunity Timer is on/off every 12 secs. Quakes concussion stun starts after 10secs from when you begin to charge heavy. What you need to do is place concussion right before WOO timer on. Start quake heavy at 4:55 to make the heavy to actually charge at about 4:54.67, (visually 4:54) Due to the humans natural reaction, you must begin to charge heavy at 4:55 to make it actually charge at the correct time to line up the concussion with WOO. Then concussion stun inflicts 1s after timer OFF and 1s before timer ON So finally you can safely place concussion at the right time and shut off the timer completely.

Stubborn is the AW global node where every time you evade, dex or miss the defender gains an indestructible charge, getting hit or blocking a hit removes it. Quakes concussion prevents the evade from triggering Stubborn, but your manual dex will trigger it. Now this is where you can do 1 of 3 methods, 1) Quake and Bake, this method is simple you will not trigger stubborn at all providing they are not aar immune or your concussion is prevented. 2) Heavy Only this is very hard to master but is excellent for Stubborn. 3) Heavy Dex then parry at end, this is the method I primarily used, You do normal Quake and Shake but when your aftershocks are about to expire you parry to remove the indestructible and deal great damage from the aftershock, with this method I have soloed Node 23 Mix masher Korg 17x with ease. (no mags prefight)

Note: If the defender is aar immune, your auto evade will trigger stubborn so be aware! Champions Like Emma Frost on Stubborn I do not reccomend at all to Quake since she is stun immune and AAR immune you have a very very small window to get damage off and is basically a suicide fight.

Buffed Up
Bring Heimdall with Magik Synergy and Angela synergy to gain an additional precision buff and fury buff and the seconds precision buff from dexing and she can do buffed up with ease, better options out there but she can do some of the annoying buffed up lanes including buffed up symbiote supreme (6.1.6) with this synergy.

Post edited by Kabam Habanero on


  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    as for where to look, I tend to look at quake, or the space between Quake and the defender, where they attacks are. Easier to learn their movements.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    as for where to look, I tend to look at quake, or the space between Quake and the defender, where they attacks are. Easier to learn their movements.

    I generally look at quake, but I also look near the opponent so I can see their hands too
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Laughs in R3 unawakened Killmonger

    But seriously, absolutely f***ing excellent guide. I tend to look at the opponent, I’m pretty used to the final light or medium combo ended so it’s good.

    I’m glad to mentioned the extra dex because I do this quite a lot actually.

    Almost there with heavy only. Can do it if they dash in for a combo, but if they are next to me and start with a light I just can’t get the timing
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    This may just be the best guide I've ever read, hats off to you sir! I have a 5r5 Quake and have used her in some of the hardest lanes in Act 6.3 but there's a ton of stuff here that I didn't even know she could do. You truly are the Quake expert of MCOC. Fantastic work.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    Absolutely brilliant guide.
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  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Well I thought I knew everything out Quake. But dang, I didn't know I could Quake Killmonger, Trial By Fire, or Encroaching Stun. Though I have Quaked all the other stuff you mentioned so I'm feeling pretty knowledgeable and skilled. 😏

    Seriously, incredible guide.
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  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020

    no youre supposed to 5 hit combo throw sp3, the GOD @lowlevelplayer taught us that already

    All hail the other Quake god

    You can also do the MLLLM sp3 for MAXIMUM aftershocks
  • edited November 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • TesladonTesladon Member Posts: 351 ★★
    Awesome! Thanks for something I can read and not watch a video for!!
  • anaLysis_anaLysis_ Member Posts: 259 ★★★
    TiL a heavy only method exists
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    Arsoz said:

    While yes havok does have a passive power gain he is actually quite easy to quake, the best method to deal with him is do 3 aftershock cycles and after the 3rd he should be at approximately a bar of power, then attack him while he is stunned from the 3rd after shock, mlm lllmm then sp1 if you got one, this should push him over to a sp2, bait the sp2 then restart this method. Doing this method you may only get in 2 aftershock cycles before he reaches a bar of power, but follow the same steps and you should be fine. This does not work on the 6.3.3 Havok due to his FOW so she cannot prevent his plasmas from proccing and their detonation will one shot you.

    Hey you can't quake domino! She has -15% ability accuracy! Well yes you can actually, people used to bring the BW synergy to increase your ability accuracy by 15% to make up for the missing ability accuracy, but there is another simpler way. If you begin the fight by charging your heavy, about at the "Fight Start" screen, it will bypass dominos aar. As it states in dominos abilities, "The attacker / defender receives -15% ability accuracy, this does not affect abilities that start the fight." So beginning the fight by charging your heavy essentially overrides dominos aar with your own aar preventing it from triggering.

    Note: This does not work on debuff immune, FOW, limited immunity, or any kind of node that prevents Quakes concussion.

    Now as we know every time KM receives a debuff he gains 15% of his current missing power while vibranium armour is active, and quakes concussions are a debuff, so how do you do this? Basically what you want to do is hit KM on the block, then await til the Reverberation "Blue Icon" is almost expired, when it is about to expire begin to charge heavy to prevent it from reapplying again, after this you will shut off his power gain and are good to go and it becomes a normal Quake fight.

    Note: This does not Work on an unawakened KM (very uncommon, and terrible placement.) nor a FOW KM, but if he is immune to concussion then only your stuns will give him power, so it isn't as hard but you still need to bait some specials. Debuff immune KM is a normal stun immune Quake fight.

    Mole Man
    Mole Man has True Accuracy but if you parry him 5 times then he will not have true accuracy any more, just a massive physical resistance and will be a long fight, easy to get around.

    Sorcerer Supreme
    While Sorcerer Supreme indeed does have passive power gain she is quite easy to quake, she has quite low physical resistance and class disadvantage vs Quake so the fight should go by very fast. In this fight you do not really even need to worry about her specials, because her sp1 is very very slow once she activates it you can immediately drop your heavy and then get ready to dex her sp1, this method is quite simple, not recommended but quite doable.

    OG Vision
    Although yes OG Vision does have that synthesis, his damage only comes from the amount of power burnt, so Quake has no power therefore the damage will be minimal, also if she is charging heavy when the sp1 hits you it will deal 0 damage, as the ability accuracy of the special is reduced to 0% and therefore cannot power burn you hence dealing no damage.

    Additional Note to Vigor and Arcoverload nodes: Quake can shutoff arc overload and Vigor by starting the fight by charging heavy. Or while charging heavy when the regeneration is going to trigger, but this will not work for the usual aar immune champions and increased ability accuracy champions Like Doctor Voodoo (Awakened) as he starts in a even combo the ability accuracy of his buffs are increased, Sabretooth (Awakened) Increased Regeneration ability accuracy and Longshot (Base 300% ability accuracy increase.)

    Additional Note to Damage Cap / Reduction Nodes.
    Quake works interestingly where she bypasses some kinds of damage reduction notes (Special Connoisseur, That's gonna Sting, Safeguard, Pleasure to Burn) She bypasses but nodes like (Acid Wash, Rage) she does not bypass. She works for some and not others, it's quite hard to explain why she does or doesn't bypass, but she should be able to bypass rage for sure.

    Double Mediums Please help!
    Now there are 2 kinds of double mediums, Some double mediums require an additional reaction, and some double mediums do not require any kind of additional reaction.

    Does Not Require Addition Reaction: Champs like Hela, Phoenix and Drax, do not require any additional reaction and are normal.

    Requires Additional Reaction: Tigra, Stealthy, Red Goblin, Domino, Moonknight, Sufer, Aegon etc.
    To react to them you must slow down your quaking to watch for them and use your fingers to immediately react to them. This can be quite hard to do Tigra and Stealthy are some of the hardest to do, but as all things you must practice.

    Why is Quake so good?
    Quake has -100% aar, while having no contact with the defender, Social Distancing Since 2016 Quake is ahead of her time, and while having no contact with the defender she also is dealing damage to them without any contact. She is too be fair "slow" per say, but even though she is slow she can deal with so many trash nodes with ease, the best thing about Quake is that the difficulty of the Fight will not change or scale while using Quake at all, to her all fights are practically all the same. For Example you are fighting a Bishop, now bishop on his own is very simple, many champions can do him with ease. But after that you add Nodes like Bane, Vivified and Buffet, now this fight is significantly more difficult for most champions, but to Quake it is the same. Now on top of that you add Disstrack, Aspect of Death, Unblockable specials and Root. This fight is really hard people will be complaining all over the place about it, but to Quake the fight has not changed.

    I find a ton of people saying Ghost is better than Quake because Quake has no immunities, how can she be good?

    Well... Quake doesn't necessarily need immunities, The only time she will really need immunities is for inflict nodes for example, 6.4.1 Iceman, "Bleed 60, Shock 30, Incinerate 30 etc'' But for general stuff she really won't need those immunities. To deal with any of those "inflict nodes'' all you need is to bring the Nick Fury synergy with Deadpool (Bleed, Poison) / Ironman (Coldsnap, Shock, Incinerate) Or you can use WP if you need her for only 1 fight. With these synergies Quake can easily deal with these inflict nodes, including the 6.4.1 Iceman boss. But in general stuff like morningstar, biohazard, mephisto etc she will not need those immunities since she will never hit the defender nor be hit. For stuff like caltrops or no retreat you can do heavy only, or heavy parry. With no retreat you can do HDHPH, HHDHH or Heavy only.

    Quakes' Weaknesses

    Now most of stuff Quake cant do she can do, but just not with a normal quake method here are some, Vision Aarkus (Coldsnap) True Strike, Agent Venom, (-50% evade ability accuracy and 62% when awakened) Ghost (precision ignores evade) Iceman (While Coldsnap is up) Black Widow (Reduced Defensive Ability Accuracy) Night Thrasher (Mediums; Heavy ignore evade) Masacre (With suicides and ONLY when blocking, so quake and shake is fine) Elektra (With suicides -85% ability accuracy while under a debuff) Hit Monkey (Evade Counter, Doable shown by Creepsta, but not recommended) Professeur X (at 25+ Cerebro Charges, he ignores evade) Apoco (After every successful evade reduce evade ability accuracy by 10%) Guardian (Possible but do not recommend in War, when guardians ability accuracy is reduced for 3 seconds or more you get shocked, but usable on a debuff immune or FOW Guardian.) Passive Power Gain (Some forms of passive power gain are annoying for her to deal with, possible but not recommended. IMIW (possible again, but not recommended using the reverse quake method)

    What Content is Quake usable in?
    Quake is usable in practically all content, She is a massive MVP in war, dominant in Flow wars and still dominant in Stubborn wars. She is amazing in AQ smashing many paths in map 7/6 she is the best option for Thing and Annihilus minis and can do Sasquatch quite well, although she will time out on the 2nd mini depending on your prestige, she is also the best option for the doom boss. Quake is by far the best Act 6 option being an MVP for so many lanes and fights and can solo 15 of 24 bosses with ease. She is even great in abyss potentially, but again not practically, I myself have soloed 2 abyss fights (Thing and DH) which each took over 30 minutes, so it really isn't practical to do. She is useful in all Variants (excluding V5 as you cannot use her there.) She Can solo 2 of the 3 ultron Bosses in V1, She can solo every single V2 boss, including the encroaching stun YJs and the annoying stun immune spiderman boss. She even though suffers -50% damage in V3 is fantastic for some annoying fights, she is also amazing in V4 and can do a ton of the lanes. A bunch of annoying defenders, Thing, Annihlus, Nova, Korg etc are a joke to her. LOL as well she can for sure do some fights and some annoying ones like Juggs and Magik she can solo quite easily. Maestro as well she could potentially solo but again not recommended as it takes so long.

    What Nodes does Quake make a joke?
    If I were to say each and every node that Quake bypasses it would take an eternity, but here are some that she does that are problematic, Vivified, Caustic Temper (With heimy angela syn) Special Connoisseur, Terminal Velocity, Energized, Pleasure to Burn, Footloose, Tunnel Vision, Mix Masher, DNGG. Thousands of more nodes, it's just insane what she can bypass.

    In conclusion I hope you take the time to learn Quake. It may be hard to learn her and you may want to give up, but it is not worth it to give up, just keep trying and practicing, "Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect." Make sure that what you are doing is exactly what you are supposed to be doing, follow the steps and continue to practice. Don't expect to master her on Day 1. Practice Duels against 5 different champions for 10 days, record your progress each day to see your improvement, at the end of the 10 days you will see your ability to Quake has significantly gotten better. If you need any more additional help feel free to add me on LINE: agentxzzz1


    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ95BtOXsCfPztVDhW9RI2w (Linecrew)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE-aAtt2Y70kLk7BuMY9SjQ (Creepsta)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHDf7ammlk3egNdYZEtqJ4Q (Munash)

    - Agent X zzz

    (I apologize for it being so long)

    Very nice very intricate me likey
    @Kill_Grey he quoted the whole thing whatcha gonna do
    Arsoz said:

    Arsoz said:

    While yes havok does have a passive power gain he is actually quite easy to quake, the best method to deal with him is do 3 aftershock cycles and after the 3rd he should be at approximately a bar of power, then attack him while he is stunned from the 3rd after shock, mlm lllmm then sp1 if you got one, this should push him over to a sp2, bait the sp2 then restart this method. Doing this method you may only get in 2 aftershock cycles before he reaches a bar of power, but follow the same steps and you should be fine. This does not work on the 6.3.3 Havok due to his FOW so she cannot prevent his plasmas from proccing and their detonation will one shot you.

    Hey you can't quake domino! She has -15% ability accuracy! Well yes you can actually, people used to bring the BW synergy to increase your ability accuracy by 15% to make up for the missing ability accuracy, but there is another simpler way. If you begin the fight by charging your heavy, about at the "Fight Start" screen, it will bypass dominos aar. As it states in dominos abilities, "The attacker / defender receives -15% ability accuracy, this does not affect abilities that start the fight." So beginning the fight by charging your heavy essentially overrides dominos aar with your own aar preventing it from triggering.

    Note: This does not work on debuff immune, FOW, limited immunity, or any kind of node that prevents Quakes concussion.

    Now as we know every time KM receives a debuff he gains 15% of his current missing power while vibranium armour is active, and quakes concussions are a debuff, so how do you do this? Basically what you want to do is hit KM on the block, then await til the Reverberation "Blue Icon" is almost expired, when it is about to expire begin to charge heavy to prevent it from reapplying again, after this you will shut off his power gain and are good to go and it becomes a normal Quake fight.

    Note: This does not Work on an unawakened KM (very uncommon, and terrible placement.) nor a FOW KM, but if he is immune to concussion then only your stuns will give him power, so it isn't as hard but you still need to bait some specials. Debuff immune KM is a normal stun immune Quake fight.

    Mole Man
    Mole Man has True Accuracy but if you parry him 5 times then he will not have true accuracy any more, just a massive physical resistance and will be a long fight, easy to get around.

    Sorcerer Supreme
    While Sorcerer Supreme indeed does have passive power gain she is quite easy to quake, she has quite low physical resistance and class disadvantage vs Quake so the fight should go by very fast. In this fight you do not really even need to worry about her specials, because her sp1 is very very slow once she activates it you can immediately drop your heavy and then get ready to dex her sp1, this method is quite simple, not recommended but quite doable.

    OG Vision
    Although yes OG Vision does have that synthesis, his damage only comes from the amount of power burnt, so Quake has no power therefore the damage will be minimal, also if she is charging heavy when the sp1 hits you it will deal 0 damage, as the ability accuracy of the special is reduced to 0% and therefore cannot power burn you hence dealing no damage.

    Additional Note to Vigor and Arcoverload nodes: Quake can shutoff arc overload and Vigor by starting the fight by charging heavy. Or while charging heavy when the regeneration is going to trigger, but this will not work for the usual aar immune champions and increased ability accuracy champions Like Doctor Voodoo (Awakened) as he starts in a even combo the ability accuracy of his buffs are increased, Sabretooth (Awakened) Increased Regeneration ability accuracy and Longshot (Base 300% ability accuracy increase.)

    Additional Note to Damage Cap / Reduction Nodes.
    Quake works interestingly where she bypasses some kinds of damage reduction notes (Special Connoisseur, That's gonna Sting, Safeguard, Pleasure to Burn) She bypasses but nodes like (Acid Wash, Rage) she does not bypass. She works for some and not others, it's quite hard to explain why she does or doesn't bypass, but she should be able to bypass rage for sure.

    Double Mediums Please help!
    Now there are 2 kinds of double mediums, Some double mediums require an additional reaction, and some double mediums do not require any kind of additional reaction.

    Does Not Require Addition Reaction: Champs like Hela, Phoenix and Drax, do not require any additional reaction and are normal.

    Requires Additional Reaction: Tigra, Stealthy, Red Goblin, Domino, Moonknight, Sufer, Aegon etc.
    To react to them you must slow down your quaking to watch for them and use your fingers to immediately react to them. This can be quite hard to do Tigra and Stealthy are some of the hardest to do, but as all things you must practice.

    Why is Quake so good?
    Quake has -100% aar, while having no contact with the defender, Social Distancing Since 2016 Quake is ahead of her time, and while having no contact with the defender she also is dealing damage to them without any contact. She is too be fair "slow" per say, but even though she is slow she can deal with so many trash nodes with ease, the best thing about Quake is that the difficulty of the Fight will not change or scale while using Quake at all, to her all fights are practically all the same. For Example you are fighting a Bishop, now bishop on his own is very simple, many champions can do him with ease. But after that you add Nodes like Bane, Vivified and Buffet, now this fight is significantly more difficult for most champions, but to Quake it is the same. Now on top of that you add Disstrack, Aspect of Death, Unblockable specials and Root. This fight is really hard people will be complaining all over the place about it, but to Quake the fight has not changed.

    I find a ton of people saying Ghost is better than Quake because Quake has no immunities, how can she be good?

    Well... Quake doesn't necessarily need immunities, The only time she will really need immunities is for inflict nodes for example, 6.4.1 Iceman, "Bleed 60, Shock 30, Incinerate 30 etc'' But for general stuff she really won't need those immunities. To deal with any of those "inflict nodes'' all you need is to bring the Nick Fury synergy with Deadpool (Bleed, Poison) / Ironman (Coldsnap, Shock, Incinerate) Or you can use WP if you need her for only 1 fight. With these synergies Quake can easily deal with these inflict nodes, including the 6.4.1 Iceman boss. But in general stuff like morningstar, biohazard, mephisto etc she will not need those immunities since she will never hit the defender nor be hit. For stuff like caltrops or no retreat you can do heavy only, or heavy parry. With no retreat you can do HDHPH, HHDHH or Heavy only.

    Quakes' Weaknesses

    Now most of stuff Quake cant do she can do, but just not with a normal quake method here are some, Vision Aarkus (Coldsnap) True Strike, Agent Venom, (-50% evade ability accuracy and 62% when awakened) Ghost (precision ignores evade) Iceman (While Coldsnap is up) Black Widow (Reduced Defensive Ability Accuracy) Night Thrasher (Mediums; Heavy ignore evade) Masacre (With suicides and ONLY when blocking, so quake and shake is fine) Elektra (With suicides -85% ability accuracy while under a debuff) Hit Monkey (Evade Counter, Doable shown by Creepsta, but not recommended) Professeur X (at 25+ Cerebro Charges, he ignores evade) Apoco (After every successful evade reduce evade ability accuracy by 10%) Guardian (Possible but do not recommend in War, when guardians ability accuracy is reduced for 3 seconds or more you get shocked, but usable on a debuff immune or FOW Guardian.) Passive Power Gain (Some forms of passive power gain are annoying for her to deal with, possible but not recommended. IMIW (possible again, but not recommended using the reverse quake method)

    What Content is Quake usable in?
    Quake is usable in practically all content, She is a massive MVP in war, dominant in Flow wars and still dominant in Stubborn wars. She is amazing in AQ smashing many paths in map 7/6 she is the best option for Thing and Annihilus minis and can do Sasquatch quite well, although she will time out on the 2nd mini depending on your prestige, she is also the best option for the doom boss. Quake is by far the best Act 6 option being an MVP for so many lanes and fights and can solo 15 of 24 bosses with ease. She is even great in abyss potentially, but again not practically, I myself have soloed 2 abyss fights (Thing and DH) which each took over 30 minutes, so it really isn't practical to do. She is useful in all Variants (excluding V5 as you cannot use her there.) She Can solo 2 of the 3 ultron Bosses in V1, She can solo every single V2 boss, including the encroaching stun YJs and the annoying stun immune spiderman boss. She even though suffers -50% damage in V3 is fantastic for some annoying fights, she is also amazing in V4 and can do a ton of the lanes. A bunch of annoying defenders, Thing, Annihlus, Nova, Korg etc are a joke to her. LOL as well she can for sure do some fights and some annoying ones like Juggs and Magik she can solo quite easily. Maestro as well she could potentially solo but again not recommended as it takes so long.

    What Nodes does Quake make a joke?
    If I were to say each and every node that Quake bypasses it would take an eternity, but here are some that she does that are problematic, Vivified, Caustic Temper (With heimy angela syn) Special Connoisseur, Terminal Velocity, Energized, Pleasure to Burn, Footloose, Tunnel Vision, Mix Masher, DNGG. Thousands of more nodes, it's just insane what she can bypass.

    In conclusion I hope you take the time to learn Quake. It may be hard to learn her and you may want to give up, but it is not worth it to give up, just keep trying and practicing, "Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect." Make sure that what you are doing is exactly what you are supposed to be doing, follow the steps and continue to practice. Don't expect to master her on Day 1. Practice Duels against 5 different champions for 10 days, record your progress each day to see your improvement, at the end of the 10 days you will see your ability to Quake has significantly gotten better. If you need any more additional help feel free to add me on LINE: agentxzzz1


    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ95BtOXsCfPztVDhW9RI2w (Linecrew)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE-aAtt2Y70kLk7BuMY9SjQ (Creepsta)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHDf7ammlk3egNdYZEtqJ4Q (Munash)

    - Agent X zzz

    (I apologize for it being so long)

    Very nice very intricate me likey
    @Kill_Grey he quoted the whole thing whatcha gonna do
    Mang ran out of data trynna scroll through it

  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    @Agent_X_zzz I have problems with quake when I have double concussion on the opponent.She just evades herself and that breaks my flow. What is the solution for that?
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  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    HI_guys said:

    HI_guys said:

    Why would you think she should work on rage when it says it is not affected by AAR? Although it is weird where she works and where she dosent.

    she works on rage
    She can prevent the furies but not the damage cap
    yes, so? I dont think that means she can't do it
    it does mean that she still works for it because the defender doesn't go unblockable
    I mean that she dosent work in the same way she works for nodes like safeguard and Special Connoisseur
    So? No one just straight up bypasses the damage cap, but she her playstyle means she suffers no consequences.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    The black widow AA synergy does not work against Domini. Dont waste your time

    Black Widow and AA? The teammates synergy? The synergy between Black Widow and Quake gives Quake an extra 15% AAR which means Domino can't bypass your evade with her AAR. The only thing that could prevent you from evading at that point is Unlucky, but she won't even be trying to do that since she won't be gaining power.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★

    @Agent_X_zzz I have problems with quake when I have double concussion on the opponent.She just evades herself and that breaks my flow. What is the solution for that?

    Honestly, that's a big reason I prefer dex style. But what I found helped me when playing parry style is just to keep a very close eye on the concussion and when it's going to end and make sure you're ready to parry when it drops. I try to hold down heavy as much as I can while the extended concussion is up though. Don't even try to parry during that time I'd say and just start a heavy every time you evade.
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  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    Etjama said:

    HI_guys said:

    The black widow AA synergy does not work against Domini. Dont waste your time

    Black Widow and AA? The teammates synergy? The synergy between Black Widow and Quake gives Quake an extra 15% AAR which means Domino can't bypass your evade with her AAR. The only thing that could prevent you from evading at that point is Unlucky, but she won't even be trying to do that since she won't be gaining power.
    That's the thing. IM not sure about the blac widow one but the Hawkeye Synergy does not give her extra 15% AA. Your evade can still fail
    No one ever mentioned the Hawkeye synergy...

    Plus as @Agent_X_zzz said, you don't even need it if you get the timing down to hold heavy at the start of the fight.
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