Honestly the best option in my opinion, especially post-nerf. Congrats! I took mine to R5, completed 6.2.6 and Labyrinth before I pulled Cap or Ægon. She’s awesome in a lot of content.
Just pulled her today could I do the champion of 6.2 with her?
I did 6.2 Champion with her, instead of Symbiote Supreme. Both at 5/65 awakened. If you don’t run high mystic dispersion, in my opinion, She Hulk does the fight better 👍
During the Summoner Smackdown or whatever it was called, I was consistently getting solos on the Champion boss using a 4* 4/40 Shulk. She is definitely one of, if not the best option for the 6.2.6 champion fight.
As an unskilled doom player I am telling that there is no inconvenience in using doom against champion. The fight is as smooth as it can be.
I understand what you're saying. Doom could be said to be a top 5 option, but not top 3 considering the way sym, sorc and shulk dominate that fight.
I have all of them but Sorc Sup ranked up. After exploring that quest half-pre nerf half post Champion nerf, Doom was the best for me. I’d use him if no MD.
If you don’t run high mystic dispersion, in my opinion,
She Hulk does the fight better 👍