Aarkus bonus SP dmg on armor shattered opponents

Hey everyone!
So, I’ve been playing around with vision Aarkus and checking out good uses for him, and a question rose up: why does he only deal bonus damage on armor shattered opponents once with his specials?
I’ve researched him a little, and people mostly come to a consensus that he is a very decent champ (and I fully agree), but lacks firepower in shorter fights.
So, putting 2+2 together, why not give him an ability to deal that bonus damage multiple times across his special attacks?
Will it affect his abilities as a defender? Absolutely not. Will it give him an unfair advantage in certain match-ups? Nope. Will it give him new uses? Guess yourself. The power creep is real, and a moderate potency increase will not shift his place in the meta significantly, but will make using him much more enjoyable and make him a more attractive choice.
The damage should of course be decreased, but an overall bump of 30-40% percent to that bonus damage would be great a great start.
I’d say he also arguably should have cold damage resistance like Sasquatch, but that’s a whole other topic. And those resistances would generally be a great approach towards champs that should logically have immunity, but they don’t, and wouldn’t break mechanics of other champs who rely on debuffs.
So, I’ve been playing around with vision Aarkus and checking out good uses for him, and a question rose up: why does he only deal bonus damage on armor shattered opponents once with his specials?
I’ve researched him a little, and people mostly come to a consensus that he is a very decent champ (and I fully agree), but lacks firepower in shorter fights.
So, putting 2+2 together, why not give him an ability to deal that bonus damage multiple times across his special attacks?
Will it affect his abilities as a defender? Absolutely not. Will it give him an unfair advantage in certain match-ups? Nope. Will it give him new uses? Guess yourself. The power creep is real, and a moderate potency increase will not shift his place in the meta significantly, but will make using him much more enjoyable and make him a more attractive choice.
The damage should of course be decreased, but an overall bump of 30-40% percent to that bonus damage would be great a great start.
I’d say he also arguably should have cold damage resistance like Sasquatch, but that’s a whole other topic. And those resistances would generally be a great approach towards champs that should logically have immunity, but they don’t, and wouldn’t break mechanics of other champs who rely on debuffs.