I truly am sorry your beloved Morgan did not make the cut to round 2. I can understand your pain. However there is still another really cool character who did manage to live on. Her name is Omega Sentinel! Join us, hand in hand, and together in Morgan’s name we can push Omega Sentinel to the top! I know Morgan would’ve wanted it that way.
I truly am sorry your beloved Morgan did not make the cut to round 2. I can understand your pain. However there is still another really cool character who did manage to live on. Her name is Omega Sentinel! Join us, hand in hand, and together in Morgan’s name we can push Omega Sentinel to the top! I know Morgan would’ve wanted it that way.
There will be multiple rounds of voting. The first round of voting has ended and 4 characters have made it onto the next round. Hercules, Omega Sentinel, Morbius, and Ironheart have all made it to the next round.
I truly am sorry your beloved Morgan did not make the cut to round 2. I can understand your pain. However there is still another really cool character who did manage to live on. Her name is Omega Sentinel! Join us, hand in hand, and together in Morgan’s name we can push Omega Sentinel to the top! I know Morgan would’ve wanted it that way.
Thank you for your attention.
I, as the resident Morgan advocater, endorse this message
Herc would be such a stupid character. He’s got nothing going for him in game. He might be the coolest just considering the characters but he would have no interesting abilities.
Herc would be such a stupid character. He’s got nothing going for him in game. He might be the coolest just considering the characters but he would have no interesting abilities.
Fury Power Gain Regeneration Evade/Miss/Auto-Block counter Resistances don't sound interesting you? Cmon man
You assume the majority is right. It’s rare they ever are.
And funny pun, almost as funny as your threads. (Joking still love you KD)
people don't tear up when they're sleeping lol