Press the HELP button
Basically people don't press the help button, yeah I know my alliance is the determining factor as to whether I get help or not... but tbh the system of asking for and giving help is pretty ordinary and often broken (help 4 button sometimes works). Basically I'm not asking for you to fix the broken system and make it easier, as nice as that would be, I have a suggestion that might help motivate my alliance members into using the system more often, especially the vain ones.
Have a permanent list, or one that resets every week, that tells everyone in the alliance at any given time how many times every alliance member has pressed the help button. The people who have joined the alliance and still have a zero next to their names after a couple of days/weeks would receive motivation to help out.
Have a permanent list, or one that resets every week, that tells everyone in the alliance at any given time how many times every alliance member has pressed the help button. The people who have joined the alliance and still have a zero next to their names after a couple of days/weeks would receive motivation to help out.