New scarlet witch, what about OG Scarlet Witch?

mmmpunchmmmpunch Member Posts: 102
Since we're getting a new Scarlet Witch next month, is the OG scarlet witch going to get her old boring and reused light hit, medium hit and hard hit animations changed?


  • mmmpunchmmmpunch Member Posts: 102

    Nope, she's just fine the way she is

    Black Widow, Captain Marvel, ms.Marvel, Scarlet Witch, storm, Magik, and gamora with the exception of her medium hits, are all the exact same female animated champion
  • LmaoLmao Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    mmmpunch said:

    Since we're getting a new Scarlet Witch next month, is the OG scarlet witch going to get her old boring and reused light hit, medium hit and hard hit animations changed?

    There isn't a need for her animations to change. She's not even that good anymore
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    The new scarlet witch might have some new animations.

    Concerning the OG scarlet witch, i hope we could have her as a 6 stars as the new one will be available as a 6 stars
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    mmmpunch said:

    Why would OG SW animations need to be changed lol? They aren't even that boring.

    Her light,medium and hard hit are all boring and reused old animations. She should have similar animations to doctor voodoo, Magneto or black widow Claire Voyant. Almost all the old female champions have the same exact light, medium and heavy animations
    Same for a lot of the male ones. Heck, WS and Punisher even shared the same special attack animations. One of which was the same as Iron Fist's. Who shared a special attack with Black Panther.

    They're just relics of the time they were released in. I don't think they'll change unless they get full overhauls.
  • LmaoLmao Member Posts: 890 ★★★

    mmmpunch said:

    Why would OG SW animations need to be changed lol? They aren't even that boring.

    Her light,medium and hard hit are all boring and reused old animations. She should have similar animations to doctor voodoo, Magneto or black widow Claire Voyant. Almost all the old female champions have the same exact light, medium and heavy animations
    Same for a lot of the male ones. Heck, WS and Punisher even shared the same special attack animations. One of which was the same as Iron Fist's. Who shared a special attack with Black Panther.

    They're just relics of the time they were released in. I don't think they'll change unless they get full overhauls.
    Magnetos didn’t even change lmao
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    When champs were released with newer versions of themself in the early years of the game, they kept the same animations (sp’s & basic attacks): iron man/superior iron man, spiderman/black suit spidey, og cap/cap ww2, magneto/white magneto, pretty sure I’m forgetting some of them.
    With the game evolving in a way they also made sure to change the animations when a new version of a previously champs was released. So I’m pretty sure the new SW will have a new set of animations.
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★

    Spiderpig....Spiderpig...does whatever a Spiderpig does.

    Can not does
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,106 ★★★★★

    I'm kinda disappointed that it's another mystic champion. This means we only got one tech champion this year, like how we only got one mystic in 2018.

    Same way we only had one science champ a couple years ago lol.
  • Secret_GamerSecret_Gamer Member Posts: 347 ★★

    Spiderpig....Spiderpig...does whatever a Spiderpig does.

    Can not does
    That was a Simpsons reference.
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