Thronebreaker title

Why does the new progression have to be tied to a rank up, for me I’ve completed abyss and explored act 6 and received 2 skill T5cc, we all know skill is a dead class but out of my 30+ 6 stars my best skill is Hawkeye. To make matters worse I’m nowhere near forming another despite having completed every piece of content in the game except abyss exploration. I’m free to play, I can’t buy deals like other people and I’m likely to form a third skill (which will go in overflow) before forming another (I have great candidates for every other class) it just feels cheap, can’t we get a catalyst trade option like the t4cc, hell if I do form another skill first I will trade 3 for 1 like the t4cc. Or can you guys give a 6 star rank down ticket so I can access the title which I have very much earned with act 6 exploration without wasting the resources. If not I’m going to have to rank Hawkeye without even levelling him.
Kabam aren't going to change the requirements just because you don't favour Hawkeye.
All champion "tier lists" are subjective, so what you deem not good enough may work for someone else.