5* Archangel

I pulled a 5* aa yesterday. Never used him before. I’ve heard he is good at r4 and doesn’t need r5, does that still stand? I know he needs awakening, got a generic but saving that for Ægon because he’s the only thing stopping me from an abyss run. @Kill_Grey i want to know how useful he will be in act 6 exploration... can I get an idea what boss fight/lanes he counters? Will be very helpful. Thanks.
As for bosses, he can counter 6.3.1 Medusa, 6.2.5 Mordo, 6.2.6 Champion, 6.1.5 crossbones,.6.1.1 Sabreman, 6.4.2 thor rags, 6.2.1 sym supreme.
In act 6 exploration, he is extremely useful! Almost every 6.1 and 6.2 global is of no derogatory effect to AA. He's probably the champ that can counter the most global nodes there apart from Ghost and quake.
No retreat, power struggle, combo party, long distance relationship, close encounters (this one is a bit weird), power struggle, hurt locker, lifecycle, backblast, icarus, maybe not destructive feedback tho, do not go gentle; all countered by AA through his consistent AAR, playstyle and/or heal block.
There you have it! In 6.3 and 6.4, there are a good amount of lanes which AA can handle.
That is true. Especially with all the awakening gems kabams been giving out recently, I think I might be fine with awakening him. Thanks for that! Knowing he counters 6.2 mordo and champion boss is what gets me excited.