What makes this guy sooo good?

Hey guys I just took my unawakened 5* NF to rank 4 and will awaken him with the generic gem i'll get,I've seen a ton of videos on him,people keep on saying,he requires skills to play,but I find him easy to play,what makes this guy a top 10 option for most people,any tips on how to use him?
His damage is even very high against bleed immune champions. He is good unawakened but his main damage output and practicality of his utility comes from his awakened ability. Since he can get a massive permanent Fury buff which pauses tactical charges and hence allow him to access his utility.
To play him your aim is to stack bleeds by partying the opponent and doing a medium heavy. Do this once again and you will have one passive internal bleed which increases duration of other bleeds. From now on you can stack more internal bleeds and weave a light ending bleed somewhere in between. His main damaging bleed is the light ending one for which you have to do a MLLLL combo. It deals massive damage to anyone who isn't bleed immune but has a short duration to it hence internal bleeds ar good since it increases light ending bleeds duration.
To access his unlockable mechanic its easy to do it in his second phase. Do 2 SP1 and you'll be unlockable as long as you maintain those charges and no let them exceed 19. People say he's tricky to use is because he is usually used in his second phase in which you only have 30% of max health. So managing your health becomes quite tricky but it isn't that difficult.
Besides being a great champion , his synergy are awesome as well. You can get 3 passive evade charge which will prevent mistakes. You can get a heal from suicide masteries, can get immunity for some time. He's a synergy partner with Captain marvel Movie and Quake which are also considered beyond god tier champs like him. This all makes him land in top 5.
I don't have him as a 5* or a 6* tho. Still waiting I would get him soon. He would be a tremendous help with my act 6 completion.
I don't have anyone generic worthy as of now, maybe the featured could promise me something?