Ant-man reduces enemy's offensive ability accuracy.
Since this is a case of X numbers of champions against a single one (ant-man), the team decided to give ant-man the advantage, instead of changing every other champion
There are 2 types of evades in this game active evades and passive evades, passive evades are a set part of a character's abilities like spiderman and nightcrawler, active evades are evades that are activated by a buff like symbiote spiderman or spidergwen. Gwenpool's sig only effects passive abilities so she won't stop active evades
There are 2 types of evades in this game active evades and passive evades, passive evades are a set part of a character's abilities like spiderman and nightcrawler, active evades are evades that are activated by a buff like symbiote spiderman or spidergwen. Gwenpool's sig only effects passive abilities so she won't stop active evades
Passive vs active evade effects... this is a total head scratcher so I can relate..this same type of scenario makes karnaks true strike not work on one spidey vs. the other. Would be nice if there was some other way this could be worded to make it clearer to everyone.
Evade buffs are triggered offensively
Still glancing at 162 combo?
Made a thread about this, still a stupid reason for antman to still glance.
Since this is a case of X numbers of champions against a single one (ant-man), the team decided to give ant-man the advantage, instead of changing every other champion
Scroll up a bit. What about ant man?