Awaken 5 star Corvus Glaive or Guardian with generic?

DoomSlayer69DoomSlayer69 Member Posts: 9
edited November 2020 in Strategy and Tips
I got to uncollected just to get the featured 5 star crystal and now i have a generic stone, an unduped corvus glaive at rank 4 and a freshly pulled guardian. So simple question who should i awaken? Corvus got me through a lot very easily but guardian is pretty good with the awakened ability too and I'm torn trying to decide. I also have 2 skill awakening gems waiting for an aegon and nick fury so i dont have to worry there and i also got a mystic awakening gem. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.

Awaken 5 star Corvus Glaive or Guardian with generic? 13 votes

Corvus Glaive
Amazing_Demon05BerjibsRenaxqqdarexySwordEvolved 5 votes
MeebletonKill_GreyDarkDuelistNicoya24ZelosMystJragonMaster170AmnetiesCrcrcrc 8 votes


  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    Corvus really doesn't need the awakened ability unless it is for AW
  • Realm_Of_RahRealm_Of_Rah Member Posts: 430 ★★★
    Guardian is a much better champion
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,946 ★★★★★
    Neither. Wait for someone more worth the gem
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  • DoomSlayer69DoomSlayer69 Member Posts: 9

    If you really want to, definitely guardian. However, I would say save it for someone else, not even corvus OR guardian, but for when you get someone like omega red, namor, void, capiw.

    i really thought these champs were worth the generic for some reason but i am in no rush. Just going to wait for that worthy champ then thanks.
  • edited November 2020
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