Marvel Defenders Recruiting Active Members

[M.Def] Marvel Defenders is seeking active, strong recruits preferably 100K+ in rating (though exceptions will be made for skilled players). We are 2 months old and filled with a majority of vets. Many of us have been playing the game together for 6+ months and we are now looking to expand our roster.

We are currently at 14/30 members, a rating of 2.3 million and are at a T10 War. We haven't yet lost a match, so we expect to continue to climb the tiers. We currently run Maps 3-5 in AQ, though would like to run more Map 5 days once we get more people in the alliance to balance out donations.

We participate in weekly SA, Completion, Duel Skirmish and Item Use Event. These are easily achievable now, so it's only going to be less work on our current members to hit milestone rewards. We accommodate those who have brief "busy periods" in life and we just ask you communicate it with us so we can plan accordingly.

We do require LINE for communication.

In-game name: Murkin em
LINE ID: Murkin_em


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