10.3 K Need alliance

Looking for P3/4 AW and map5/6 alliance


  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    We run Map 6 AQ, but we don’t take war very seriously right now. 2 BGs and G2/G3. You’re likely not interested, but thought I’d reach out anyway. Can find me in-game or on Line: Ken13781378.
  • AlreadAlread Member Posts: 7
    Our sister alliance has 2 spots open running maps 6/5 and aw they are down to gold two because someones been slacking hence the open spots, hit me up on line and I'll connect you if your interested
    Alread x
  • orballorball Member Posts: 52
    We are Map6x5 plat 3 4 aw. If you are interested add me on line. Id is atomic99
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