Which offer to buy?

This is my t5cc stash, I want to get thronebreaker but can't use the mystic t5. My next closest in mutant and there's a t5cc selector deal right now. Should I get this deal or do you guys think cavalier players will have a better deal for cyber weekend?

Even after buying now you are not going to form full t5cc.. you never know how rng ruin your time and money after that...
Ps : you can use mystic t5cc on champion obtained from cyber weekend deal😅
my only mystic 6* is guillotine and I'm definitely not taking her to r3.
Don't fall into their traps!
Brave yourself! 😄
I’m not sure will Black Friday deal come with a selector for T5cc. Should I get this deal ?
Should you is another question. Cyber weekend deals, whether they drop on Friday or Monday will be much better for sure. Will you get selectors in cavalier deals? No idea. Will you be able to progress and buy both cavalier and throne breaker deal? Miike has already said maybe, maybe not. Can you afford to buy today and next weekend and possibly both sets next weekend? That’s your call.
I am already throne breaker and I will be buying next weekend but I bought 2 of the deal yesterday so I could r3 Warlock and concentrate on other classes next weekend. I might end up with 20% of a tech t5cc after next weekend and have bought these in vain but all you can do is make the decision with all currently available information.
However, I purchased 1 Odin and voila..
So, thronebreaker here I come .... in a few weeks when I have enough gold and iso