Cavalier players ARE NOT getting the materials they need to reach thronebreaker

How do expect cavalier players to become thronebreaker if u offer them next to no T5CC frags? The glory store update was a chance to change that, instead thronebreaker players got more of the stuff they already have which Cavalier players NEED. I am not against thronebreaker players getting better updates in store, they deserve it, but cavalier players should be offered a little of the materials needed to take them to thronebreaker.
next to no? dude, wtf are you talking about? before tb I had 3 r3 6*s, and I have not bought a deal. Every month just in the primary event quest you get some, then in the side quest you get some, then in AQ you can get some, then you can compete and get some in AW. We have way more available T5CC than we did T4CC at this point in the 5* cycle. Start actually playing the game and you can get some.
Like plenty of people have said, there's t5cc out there. If someone can't be bothered to go get it, that's on them not the game
No one "deserves" a short cut just bc they want one.
And, to be fair, when it’s like this, kabam is the last group I feel like giving my money. So I’m not buying t5cc either.
So, yeah, I have the ability to get the T5cc, I have the account to get it, but I don’t have the kind of life to get it.
But that’s not how the game works. Either you can invest in it, or you can’t. If you can’t invest in it like that, I hope the reasons for it are valuable enough to make the trade. If you just choose not to, well, no one will sympathize with that. I assume you do it for good reasons. And, frankly, I hope that those who DO invest in the game at that level find it value added to their life.
1. Find an alliance that runs Map 7 with some level of Epic modifiers.
There’s a lot of T5CC to be gained weekly just from this. It doesn’t even need to be a high prestige alliance, as you can get up to 10% per AQ cycle just from the honour milestone rewards alone.
Moreover, Map 7 doesn’t require any more time commitment than Map 6 - in fact, I’d argue that I’ve needed to log onto the game for AQ far less frequently since I made the switch to Map 7. Sure, it requires a bit more skill and more thoughtful path assignments, but it’s a great way to quickly increase your monthly haul of T5CC.
Bite the bullet, push past the learning curve, and you’ll see your T5CC stash rise steadily.
2. Slowly chip away at Act 6 exploration.
A lot more accessible since the changes. Sure, there are still some pain points left over, but it’s content that you can practise, restart, and repeat with minimal resource expenditure.
3. Work on Abyss initial clear and exploration.
Sounds daunting, I know. But as someone who has personally explored the entire thing with a total expenditure of 700 units (on mastery changes), I can tell you that it doesn’t have to be the unit drain that it’s made out to be, especially with good planning and resource stacking.
Some could argue that they’re waiting on an Aegon, a Human Torch, a good Mystic, and thus an exploration run is impossible for them. If that’s truly the case, and you’re either unwilling to use or simply lacking the appropriate alternatives, then your best bet would be to opt for Option 1 (Map 7) until your roster has progressed a bit more.
TLDR: missing out on 5% per AQ cycle from the glory store may seem awful on paper, but in reality there are several key sources of T5CC (namely Map 7) that many player are just not making use of.
And this may be hard to hear, but if your roster is not ready for any of the above, then you’re unfortunately not really the target demographic for the TB title.
You have to be cavalier to become thronebreaker. By definition you get the needed materials 🤣
Back when I was brand new, we couldn’t get t4bs to advance. Then it became t4cc. Then t2as. Then t5bs. Now t5cc. Each level has its own need. It also took 4 months to complete a basic 5* crystal and we did most or all of act 5 with 4* champs.
The current version blocks it altogether for the second tier, but you can avoid RNG and get it $50 at a time. There are conceivably players with 5 classes near 0 t5cc and one class with a full or close to it. Also, there were tons of unit offers for t5b, usually at 1% for 100 units (6750 frags for 1500 units)
I’m no whale either. I have never purchased a selector from the store or any t5cc deals since they introduced them. The most I buy is sigil and 735 unit monthly deal.
So your argument is... false.
Go 100% act 6 like I did. If you can’t do that then you shouldn’t be a TB yet.
Now that the natural progression has had a title, a requirement, a buffed glory store, and a higher set of potential deals for cyber weekend put against it, players want the requirement for it to be made easier.
I understand the frustration for players that may not have RNG luck to be able to take a desired champ to R3, but theres a ton of self entitled players who haven't even done a run through act 6.4, who haven't attempted the abyss, yet they want the requirements to be lowered to meet their selfish needs.
An example is a player who posted on the forums recently that they pulled a 6* Omega Red, but they hate him. Most would disagree with him, so the RNG thing is also baseless at times as so called desired champs are based off personal preferences.