Cavalier players ARE NOT getting the materials they need to reach thronebreaker

Razer_Boltz619Razer_Boltz619 Member Posts: 131 ★★
How do expect cavalier players to become thronebreaker if u offer them next to no T5CC frags? The glory store update was a chance to change that, instead thronebreaker players got more of the stuff they already have which Cavalier players NEED. I am not against thronebreaker players getting better updates in store, they deserve it, but cavalier players should be offered a little of the materials needed to take them to thronebreaker.


  • ch4rnch4rn Member Posts: 275 ★★

    Weird.... I remember being Cavalier before becoming Thronebreaker....

    LOL exactly! We didn't just log in one day to find that Kabam magically chose random accounts to send the title to
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    All throne breakers were Cavalier, before they were throne breaker so no this is not true.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    This may be the funniest title to a thread I have ever read.

    You have to be cavalier to become thronebreaker. By definition you get the needed materials 🤣

    Back when I was brand new, we couldn’t get t4bs to advance. Then it became t4cc. Then t2as. Then t5bs. Now t5cc. Each level has its own need. It also took 4 months to complete a basic 5* crystal and we did most or all of act 5 with 4* champs.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    Ultimately, it's meant to be a progress separator. Which means it will take time for some to get to. T5CCs have become somewhat more available, albeit in small amounts. It just takes time to amass them. They'll be more available in the future, no doubt. However, there isn't a flaw in the system if it's not immediately available to people to achieve. That's a sign that it's successful in its goals.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,096 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    The previous iteration of the glory store priced the premium item (t5b) cheaper for top tier progression players (cavalier) versus second tier (uncollected).

    The current version blocks it altogether for the second tier, but you can avoid RNG and get it $50 at a time. There are conceivably players with 5 classes near 0 t5cc and one class with a full or close to it. Also, there were tons of unit offers for t5b, usually at 1% for 100 units (6750 frags for 1500 units)
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    How do you think previous cavalier players. Frame Throne breaker? I wasn’t uncolledted and jumped directly to throne breaker. I went from cavalier to TB.

    I’m no whale either. I have never purchased a selector from the store or any t5cc deals since they introduced them. The most I buy is sigil and 735 unit monthly deal.

    So your argument is... false.

    Go 100% act 6 like I did. If you can’t do that then you shouldn’t be a TB yet.
  • HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 241 ★★
    Dude there is a LOT that goes into getting Thronebreaker. Difficulty levels of content/amount of content that you kind of need to go through and beat in order to have a place for a R3 6* in your roster. I see far too many people complaining about how they rushed to Cavalier and then that they don't have the roster to complete certain things/get certain rewards...that's the point. If you rush to complete things/get things you aren't ready for, you won't have the resources to support a r3 roster. You'll suck yourself dry and be stuck - trust me, I would know. Did it years ago back when 4*s were all the rage. Just take your time and work towards it. It'll take time, for sure, but that's the point man.
  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    KAYDA said:

    What Thronebreakers seems to have forgotten is that there was no 6*r3 requirement when they became Thronebreaker...

    What!?!?!? Thats literally part of how we got the Thronebreaker title.
  • ch4rnch4rn Member Posts: 275 ★★
    KAYDA said:

    What Thronebreakers seems to have forgotten is that there was no 6*r3 requirement when they became Thronebreaker...

    You're right... it was natural progression.
    Now that the natural progression has had a title, a requirement, a buffed glory store, and a higher set of potential deals for cyber weekend put against it, players want the requirement for it to be made easier.

    I understand the frustration for players that may not have RNG luck to be able to take a desired champ to R3, but theres a ton of self entitled players who haven't even done a run through act 6.4, who haven't attempted the abyss, yet they want the requirements to be lowered to meet their selfish needs.

    An example is a player who posted on the forums recently that they pulled a 6* Omega Red, but they hate him. Most would disagree with him, so the RNG thing is also baseless at times as so called desired champs are based off personal preferences.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    KAYDA said:

    What Thronebreakers seems to have forgotten is that there was no 6*r3 requirement when they became Thronebreaker...

    What are you even talking about? Are you referring to the old title that was changed to breaker of thrones and is basically meaningless? Even if you had the old title, when it changed if you didn't have the R3, all that happened was your title changed to breaker of thrones and you still weren't thronebreaker.

  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 760 ★★★
    KAYDA said:

    What Thronebreakers seems to have forgotten is that there was no 6*r3 requirement when they became Thronebreaker...

    Is that supposed to be a joke?
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    ch4rn said:

    KAYDA said:

    What Thronebreakers seems to have forgotten is that there was no 6*r3 requirement when they became Thronebreaker...

    You're right... it was natural progression.
    Now that the natural progression has had a title, a requirement, a buffed glory store, and a higher set of potential deals for cyber weekend put against it, players want the requirement for it to be made easier.

    I understand the frustration for players that may not have RNG luck to be able to take a desired champ to R3, but theres a ton of self entitled players who haven't even done a run through act 6.4, who haven't attempted the abyss, yet they want the requirements to be lowered to meet their selfish needs.

    An example is a player who posted on the forums recently that they pulled a 6* Omega Red, but they hate him. Most would disagree with him, so the RNG thing is also baseless at times as so called desired champs are based off personal preferences.
    I think that is an ungenerous view of the reason folks are asking for these things (ie “selfish needs”). For some, this is really having bought a house with a view of the water, only to have a new row of house built in front of them, and these are more expensive. Now they are trying to move into the new houses, but they are priced out for a variety of reasons (for me, the time cost of that level of play is unrealistic during surging hospital volumes). But there is an element of the game that is lost NOT playing at the highest title (I haven’t been here since my first year of play). It’s awkward, but I don’t think selfish. Just a struggle to understand the path forward.
  • DarkSoulDLXDarkSoulDLX Member Posts: 675 ★★★
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,018 ★★★★★
    Huh, didn’t know that they locked Cav players out of the Abyss or Act 6 Exploration. Man that sucks.
    Oh wait.
    They didn’t.
    Go do Act 6 Exploration or a path of Abyss. That’s how the majority of Thronebreakers like myself got it.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    It's absolutely selfish. While I understand you have your reasons for not being "able" to play in higher tier alliance events, you have to accept that your progression is going to be slowed due to that. Whether it's having a legitimate time constraint like yourself or someone else just not being willing to play at that level, you're both choosing to play a game that's VERY centered around alliance involvement for upper echelon progression. You both just have to accept the consequences of
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    edited November 2020

    It's absolutely selfish. While I understand you have your reasons for not being "able" to play in higher tier alliance events, you have to accept that your progression is going to be slowed due to that. Whether it's having a legitimate time constraint like yourself or someone else just not being willing to play at that level, you're both choosing to play a game that's VERY centered around alliance involvement for upper echelon progression. You both just have to accept the consequences of

    Dude, I’m not asking for these things. I don’t care, my life and work are too important right now to be bothered about it. Even if they were easily available to me, I couldn’t use them well. My statement was purely in reference to why some people (in similar circumstances to my myself) might be asking for it. To be frank, if people find it necessary to have automatically pejorative opinions about the motives of people asking for these things, I think that’s unfortunate as well. It’s a lot simpler if we can all assume good intent.

    (If you look at my first post in this thread, it is almost identical to what you just said. I’m just asking for folks to also assume best intent.)
  • slackerslacker Member Posts: 774 ★★★★
    Even it available, it would be not cheap as thornbreaker and i bet some player gonna complain about that, and beside, before this exist they are tons of ppl become tb without glory store
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