Who to r3?

PastorAmericaPastorAmerica Member Posts: 471 ★★★
edited November 2020 in Strategy and Tips

This is my current 6* roster. I’m wondering what class resources I should be hunting in case there is a t5cc frag selector this weekend or for when I finish act 6 soon.
Are any of these champs worthy of r3? I am thinking probably Sunspot. I love CapIW but I already have him at max sig max rank as 5*. Darkhawk is ok but I always lean towards my 5* Warlock when I need a robot. I do run suicides, so that’s a point in favor of Darkhawk and against Sunspot. Or should I wait for someone better?
All input appreciated!

Who to r3? 29 votes

Lvernon15Kabiraz77BrokenPseudouberGhostboytjieXva23Tiger360Sarvanga1_DarkDuelistTSR6225FabwiziOmedennC_Trooper88Xguard77AmnetiesWill3808Yodabolt21GardenerMAGW 19 votes
Uncle_Fatty_247Ab_SamadBonzodavidTheExit27sellyCrcrcrc 6 votes
Sleeper pick that I don’t see
[Deleted User] 1 vote
Wait for someone better
MeebletonTotalMonster109BiscuitKhan 3 votes


  • MAGWMAGW Member Posts: 24
    I'd say its between sunspot and capiw but cap needs high sig and awakening soo sunspot - plus sunspot has high prestige and big yellow numbers if ur into that.
  • PastorAmericaPastorAmerica Member Posts: 471 ★★★
    MAGW said:

    I'd say its between sunspot and capiw but cap needs high sig and awakening soo sunspot - plus sunspot has high prestige and big yellow numbers if ur into that.

    I was thinking Sunspot, but I run suicides and I feel like he requires throwing lots of specials which is bad for recoil. Is he still worth it with suicides on?

  • GardenerGardener Member Posts: 1,601 ★★★
    You could do Rhino for AW tho...
  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    You run suicides so do NOT go for sunspot except for prestige.
    He isn't immune to bleed or posion plus relies on sp1 spam +sp2 making him probably top 5 worst champions to use suicudes with.
    Especially since the sustainability you get from perfect block becomes near useless since you'll only be able to use him for 1 or 2 fights.
  • PastorAmericaPastorAmerica Member Posts: 471 ★★★
    Gardener said:

    You could do Rhino for AW tho...

    That’s a surprising answer! You think Rhino is worthy to be my first r3? Is he that good for defense? Tell me more.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,946 ★★★★★

    Gardener said:

    You could do Rhino for AW tho...

    That’s a surprising answer! You think Rhino is worthy to be my first r3? Is he that good for defense? Tell me more.
    That’s a last case scenario. I’d personally go sunspot because you have a maxed 5* CAIW but if sunspot is bad because of suicides you might want to wait
  • GardenerGardener Member Posts: 1,601 ★★★

    Gardener said:

    You could do Rhino for AW tho...

    That’s a surprising answer! You think Rhino is worthy to be my first r3? Is he that good for defense? Tell me more.
    Well i wouldn't say to rank 3 him for that but you could rank him up for it. if you put rhino on a stun immune node then that means that you cant parry him and that would leave the obvious option to intercept him. But when Rhino dashes forward it gives him unstoppable meaning that on a stun immune node he cant be parried or intercepted.Meaning that there are only a few people in the game that can deal with a rhino as a stun immune boss or mini boss.
  • GardenerGardener Member Posts: 1,601 ★★★
    When he dashes forward he also has a chance to become unblcokable meaning if you try to block him as he dashes forward theres a chance he will just pierce your block go straight in and deal massive damage to you
  • GardenerGardener Member Posts: 1,601 ★★★
    Oh ya and i also realized that when Rhino charges forward if you dash back you will activate stubborn.If you block the charge you will be forced to take alot of block damage or he might go unblockable and end the match
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