What is the best ghost rotation?

ProximaMidnight_8ProximaMidnight_8 Member Posts: 285 ★★
In the experience of people who have mastered ghost, what is the best rotation for her? People are saying I need to learn how to use mine so im trying to learn how because she's very tricky.Ive been doing dash back and 2-4 light attacks with some heavies and then parry, phase and special 2. I do have a 5 star wasp but I just cant justify giving up a spot on my team because of my lack of skill for someone I wont really use for actual fighting.


  • edited November 2020
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  • RaviDaviRaviDavi Member Posts: 801 ★★★

    In the experience of people who have mastered ghost, what is the best rotation for her? People are saying I need to learn how to use mine so im trying to learn how because she's very tricky.Ive been doing dash back and 2-4 light attacks with some heavies and then parry, phase and special 2. I do have a 5 star wasp but I just cant justify giving up a spot on my team because of my lack of skill for someone I wont really use for actual fighting.

    I don't try to use heavies at all with her because it is easier to simply phase and attack until you get to a special 2 (or 3 for longer fights).

    And note that you constantly have to wage a bet on 'risk it or don't' if they don't immediately attack you when you start phasing. Mostly they attack you within 4seconds but sometimes you have to manually dex because the phase is over.
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  • Realm_Of_RahRealm_Of_Rah Member Posts: 430 ★★★
    I just let them throw a medium attack into my phase and then intercept with a medium attack, if they throw a light then intercept with a light. I don't usually use heavy attacks, they boost her damage significantly but there's something very satisfying about finishing a fight with a full yellow bar.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,946 ★★★★★
    First of all, I wouldn’t call using wasp for the ghost synergy not being skilled. As someone who’s using my maxed 5* ghost for most of my act 6 path clearing, I use the synergy to make things more convenient and smoother. But here’s my rotation. In almost all scenarios I phase two hits and move between doing 4 hit and 3 hit combos. Sometimes I’ll phase 3 but that gets risky if the opponents throw a double medium and then goes into block and you weren’t expecting it. You have to only phase 1 hit if your phase is running out. (You’ll learn the timing, most of the time I don’t have to look at my phase timer. I just have an internal phase clock from playing ghost so much.) The only time I throw heavies is if my phase runs out and I accidentally parry while trying to continually dex the opponent. The last thing is I only throw sp2s unless I think I can kill the opponent with an sp1 or shouldn’t be throwing specials based on the nodes of the fight. If you have any questions feel free to tag me.
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,568 ★★★★★
    Theres a Rotation?

    I just play Ghost normal and only her on team. No need for wasp . Only Pros use her sp2 wisely without unblockable :)

    But hvy spam on wall. Hold block wait for intercept. Dash Back sp2 Gg ez
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Phase then wait for opponent to try to hit you. When he hits do a mlll combo and then back off. Take wasp with you as that unblockable sp2 is golden.
  • Ab_SamadAb_Samad Member Posts: 386 ★★
    At start of the fight
    Phase M phase M Phase M phase M (to get maximum damage from passive furies)

    Rest of the fight
    Phase phase MLL Phase phase MLL Phase phase MLL
    Sp2 and repeat the cycle

    Sometimes I do change my pattern but only because now I have more experience and confident
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