We need to gain more availability of T1 Alphas

Today I can gain daily T2 shards, T5B shards but what about T1 Alphas? Every week you can gain 3 in the arena, and 1 every 3 days in the Alliance quests, but you need 5 or 6 to rank-up a 5 star champion. How can we gain points in the rank up quests if all my 4* champs are at R3 minimum and we never have enough T1 Alphas to rank our 5*s? You can answer use your Glory to get some if needed, but it's ridiculous with the need we have of other resources that we spend Glory on that. At the point the game is now we should have some T1A shards in the early milestones or a daily Alpha mission to gain a higher availability of these.
1) Include T1A in drop rates for the Supreme Solo Crystals (see no point opening Greater Solo Crystals for drops of redundant 3* AG's or other redundant items for players working with 4*-6* champs).
2) Increase/Include in all difficulties of event quests.
3) Start a daily quest (do continue with the arena).
4) Fragments from certain crystal types.
5) Last in pecking order, reduced glory cost.
@Kabam Miike