What happened to Hawkeye?

Is this a bug or did Hawkeye get nerfed? Hawkeye had been my second highest PI rated champion since I took him to 5/50. He has lost somewhere around 800 PI rating.
Was this another rebalance? Is it a bug? For those that ranked him to 5/50 and if he got nerfed then we need a rank down ticket for him. He's not worthy of 5/50 at a whopping 4500 PI.

Was this another rebalance? Is it a bug? For those that ranked him to 5/50 and if he got nerfed then we need a rank down ticket for him. He's not worthy of 5/50 at a whopping 4500 PI.

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Neither am i, hawkeye is really low prestige, even with DW i dont see his PI surpassing a duped starlord's.
I know how boosts work and raise PI, I'm not a new player here. I know what I know and Hawkeye was well over 5k PI for months since I took him to 5/50. No I was not using boosts, he has been there for months as I stated not just overnight.
I know he was over 5k until just recently. Nothing has changed in my masteries for a year. Don't treat everyone like they are ignorant!
I have played Hawkeye for months in AW and AQ so I know what his PI rating was on my roster! I don't give a freaking **** what any of you "think". I don't need proof I looked at it every single day for months!
U sure u want those hallucinogens, even some good weed doesn't make u trip like this. I say its acid or some pcp (maybe meth) either way, don't do drugs. Smoke some weed.
I am 100% not mistaken that Hawkeye was over 5K PI! As I said I looked at it every single day and have played with him with a PI over 5K for months. I don't think I would have asked the initial question otherwise! If you don't know then keep quiet. I asked someone that may be able to look at it.
And then when the aforementioned people asked for evidence, you just push them away and say "Oh I don't need proof, my eyes are my proof because I say so". Seriously, do you really expect anyone to believe you that way?
In prestige list, hyperion rank 23
And hawkeye rank 102
And you claim Your unduped hawkeye pi was 5400 ??? I hope your eyes work as intended
I think you read it wrong son. Or you may have been on a skill boost when you read the PI. I really havent seen that high on an unduped Hawky. It could also be that you only read him in quests always with some synergies and never actually checked the character screen. It may be the case, but I really think you were mistaken. Just my view though, dont take my word. Cuz I have a hawky and his PI didnt change recently. They cant nerf one players Hawkeye... Hope that helps
Also, a PI change isn’t a nerf lol
Hawkeye has always been low pi, there's been no changes made to him in terms of pi and has never been anywhere near the top 40 like you're claiming.
It's likely you were boosting, synergy team or had a crazy mastery set up that powered him up though even that's a stretch