When will the crashing of game stop , I mean really we need answer

DhruvgDhruvg Member Posts: 287
The game is still crashing it has been 2 or 3 months since this problem first surfaced , but you guys have not given out any reasonable answer , please give us a proper answer . @kabam


  • wappykidwappykid Member Posts: 94
    if ur phone ram is less than 1GB u will know that the problem has been on for more than a year becuz since i started last year may the game was always closing after max 5 fights so i started using my friends phone and it would not close p.s i played other large games on the 512 MB ram phone no problems
  • DhruvgDhruvg Member Posts: 287
    My phone specs are more than this game needs , I have played heavier games than this . Its problem from their end , not ours.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    (I'm sending again my reply because it was under aprovation after I edited a word).

    I have noticed this problem happen more often if you face some champs/stages. Every of them have in common some graphics effects (particles, smoke, fire, sparkles,...).

    This problem would be easily avoidable if they add Graphics Settings and we could disable those effects.
    The real solution is if they fix whatever is wrong with those effects, because there's a problem here. When the new AQ was released they were forced to remove the winter effect, because this winter was suddenly messing the game for everyone, AND then they should change the final Stage for another else different than the Ultron Stage, because mixing the Ultron Stage and Dormmammu was a Crash Bomb for Everyone!!.

    The problem is real, it's not a device problem but some devices are more vulnerable to the problem.

    Of course, it's not the only cause but it's a huge one.

    - It happen too if you change between game areas (eg you did Quest then you change to Arenas, or you did Arena then Upgrade a champ, or you Open some crystals, or...). Is the memory collecting garbage without control and clean it?.

    - It happen too if the nodes are hyper buffed and/or the AI is harder. The game could start stuttering after two/three fights in Master MQ, but you change to Normal and everything is fine and smooth. Again, some people could noticed it more (according their device I guess) but it's the why many people is complaining because "my champ is unresponsive and mechanics are failing, the AI is just cheating breaking the timing".
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