December 6* Featured Crystal Champions

It's part of the 10K deal for TBs:
Cosmic: CGR, Red Goblin, Ronan, Cull
Tech: Ghost, Vision (AoU), Green Goblin, Punisher 2099
Mutant: Prof X, Apocalypse, Gambit, Cable
Skill: Daredevil, Falcon, Killmonger, Elsa
Science: iHulk, Mister Fantastic, Spider Gwen, Wasp
Mystic: Dragon Man, Longshot, Man-Thing, Dormammu
Cosmic: CGR, Red Goblin, Ronan, Cull
Tech: Ghost, Vision (AoU), Green Goblin, Punisher 2099
Mutant: Prof X, Apocalypse, Gambit, Cable
Skill: Daredevil, Falcon, Killmonger, Elsa
Science: iHulk, Mister Fantastic, Spider Gwen, Wasp
Mystic: Dragon Man, Longshot, Man-Thing, Dormammu
They should had clarified this
And yeah, I did already make a spreadsheet