Horsemenless Abyss Run

Since unit offers ended up being a bust I spent my 6k units in the abyss. Will probably use the skill t5cc on Elsa, she's not the best but I find a lot of uses for her and she's fun to play. Plus having thronebreaker seems to be mandatory now if Kabam's latest fiasco is anything to judge off.
Am planning to do my run soon. I`m lucky enough to have aegon, but sadly still no good option for Mephisto besides throwing units at him with Aegon or bringing my Red Hulk.
Only 6k units spend is really nice, i have double atm and not confident that that will be enough from watching abyss clears on youtube.
I had Wasp on the team though so throwing that l2 was stress free, not sure how well she'd perform without the synergy.
Anyway Congratulations!
Congrats on your run!