5 Star Awaken suggestion

Hey guys,
I have a generic 5 star awakening gem, and also a 5 star tech gem.
I wanted to know your guys input on who to use it on.
Initially I wanted to awaken Blade because I have a maxed out Spidey Stark, and he gives a good synergy. I was also saving to take him to 4/5 this week.
But I recently pulled a Corvus Claive, so now Im not sure.
or maybe I should use it on someone else?
What you think?

I have a generic 5 star awakening gem, and also a 5 star tech gem.
I wanted to know your guys input on who to use it on.
Initially I wanted to awaken Blade because I have a maxed out Spidey Stark, and he gives a good synergy. I was also saving to take him to 4/5 this week.
But I recently pulled a Corvus Claive, so now Im not sure.
or maybe I should use it on someone else?
What you think?

Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
Void needs awakened, yes, but also benefits from higher signature levels.
I actually have a 6 star Sentinel that is in my go-to rotation.
About the generic though... yes Void is generic worthy but he also needs high sig. If you dont have many sig stones ( say 140 or more, mixed and match science and generic ones) then I wouldn't do Void. I would wait till you have enough sig stones for it to really matter.
However if that generic is really burning a hole in your pocket then I'd say to consider either Corvus or Medusa ( surprised that no one has suggested Medusa yet):
-Corvus if for general questing
-Medusa for utility, specially if you don't have Red Magneto and/or are in need of a champ for difficult Robot bosses... Medusa is the game's #1 Robot Killer, even more so than Mags because he cant shut down robot power gain and AAR like Medusa can.
Since I do not have too many sig stones on inventory, I wanted to awaken a champ that can make an impact with low levels.