6 million rated alliance seeking new members

X-Reyted [X-REY] is seeking 2 new members who are both reliable and fun to be around. We run Map 4 and 5 AQ with the occasional week of Map 2 in order to replenish our items stash and give ourselves a breather from the endless grind. AW is run as often as possible, with 2 - 3 groups being opened frequently. Summoner Advancement minimums are always met with a very rare hold week thrown in. Donations are weekly with 100k Gold, 10k Battle Chips and 5k Loyalty.

The members we are looking for are preferably 150k + rated, but we can take lower if we feel they'd be able to cope with what we have to offer.

To communicate our alliance heavily relies on Discord, so it is a must.

If interested, you can contact any of our officers in-game, or me on Discord at Larry Version 3#8554
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