Annoying new crystal tab feature

With the new update I surprisingly came across this? A feature where you can see what OTHER people are getting? Whyy? Hahaha. Don’t we allready have this in the member tab? Kabam can you please immediately get rid off this? I and I’m pretty sure a lot of other people don’t care about what other people are getting. Besides that, it makes my screen even smaller than it already is... I would really appreciate it!


  • milomikemilomike Member Posts: 92
    100% an unnecessary change to the game. And a very annoying change to say the least. We still know, “An alliance member found...” thru the “Alliance” tab. Most of us post what we’re getting in Line chats.

    Get rid of this. Who thinks of this stuff?
  • DiovedDioved Member Posts: 36
    I agree, I did not like this change.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I agree. Honestly the people that are pulling the 3*s and 4*s don't care themselves, why should the rest of the alliance be notified lol
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