Experienced and communicative map 5 alliance is looking for a new member

[WREÇK] Parks & Wreck is looking for 1 new member.

We're an alliance that really values good communication, working together and advancing in the game, but most of all we like to have fun with eachother.

If you are interested in joining us, there are a few requirements you should satisfy:
- Minimum of 3 5/50 4*
- Map 5 experience (we prefer you're able to finish a path w/o help for day 1-3)
- Discord (we make use of discord chat for all our communication)
- English speaking

About [WREÇK]:
We have a war rating of 1176, which puts us in tier 8. We recently dropped, so we're confident we will be looking at some wins the coming wars. For AQ we are running 55552 in expert tier at the moment. We are looking to improve this to a steady 5x5 schedule. We ask for weekly donations of 107k gold, 23,5k BC's and 10k loyalty. We only enforce, reasonable, minimums on completion and item events, so no forced participation in arena. We also work with pre-determined AQ and AW teams, with several veteran members in in each BG that have 5x5 experience.

If you think you would be a good match with our alliance, come chat with us https://discord.gg/2ZRYEC2


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