3 star carnage

colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
Why do people hate carnage so much. See I don't think he is half bad or half good. If you know how use him then he is half decent. The only think i hate about him, is that he hits like a pillow. But carnage should get more credit, I mean in my opinion he's ok. But he wouldn't be my first choice of a 3 star or my last choice.


  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    He’s a very solid champion. I’ve had him since the Punisher 2099 update and he can be a useful champion. I do like Carnage but his attacks are very weak even at a high IP, I did a comparison with my Rogue (both the same IP 750) and fought another 750 IP 3 star. Rogue defeated her opponent a lot quicker than Carnage. Just don’t waste all your Cosmic ISO-8 and Catalysts on him if you can rank up champs like Venom, Angela, Black Bolt or Hyperion.
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    I think there was high expectation because of the demand for the champ
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    edited September 2017
    people wanted him to be God Tier, and he's just slightly above average.

    edit: It's also important to note that the more hyped up a character is the less likely they will have a ton of utility. Just my observation lately. I think this is because the initial demand of that character is really high. But then an intentional let down will ensue. I don't expect blade to be a superior champion, but I do expect mephisto or morningstar to be.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    He’s just a bad champ compared to others released around the same time. If he was an OG champ, he would be way better. But with all these more powerful champs being added and him being an iconic villain, he was just a disappointment. There’s no reason to choose him over anyone else really. There are better bleeders out there like Drax, Wolvie, OG BP, GP, and AA. There are better buffing/damage output champs out there like Angela and Drax. I mean if you have Drax, which most people do, it basically makes Carnage obsolete. Which is weird because newer things are supposed to make older things obsolete.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Awful base stats. Mutation takes too long. The setup of him being good is not worth the effort and health loss.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    He didn't have to be good tier , he just had to be a soild or great champion with a good moveset, good abilities and specials, and decent stats.

    People wanted him to be good, people wanted some better stats, people wanted him to have better abilities, people wanted him to have better specials, people wanted him to hit decently and have good surviability but he doesn't and that's why we hate him.

    They took an awesome character and netered him, he hits like a pillow, he can't take hits for anything, his bleeds go quickly, his mutations take to long, and he just doesn't have much use besides being arena fodder or diversity though even that he sucks in.

    He's probably one of the worst character in the game, with sub par everything and a lot of wasted potential.
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